Chapter 4 - dark rooms

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Y/N is the daughter of Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers. HYDRA had been after her due to her super soldier DNA until she was 5 when they kidnapped her. Ever since, she has been kept at a HYDRA facility and been trained by the one and only Winter Soldier.


y/n woke up confused. All she knew was that it was dark, she was cold and her head hurt. She touched her forehead with her small hands and felt the warm stickiness, she knew only came from blood. 

Fear settled into the young girl's chest as her mind was flooded with the memory of what had happened the previous afternoon. She had been ambushed by over a dozen scary soldiers. She had fought hard, making her way through six of them before she felt a prick in her neck. She had heard the muffled screams of her mother before everything went black.

Her mind began to spiral because she was scared, really scared. She had done hostage training with Mom and Uncle Jameson countless times but this was different and what if their training didn't work or- "no, no, no" she whispered, "SHIELD agents don't get scared". A motto she had been told by her Mother from a very early age. 

She let out a shaky exhale before pulling herself to her feet. She might only be young, but she had been training for moments like these since before she could walk. She was five now and was well on track to becoming the perfect special agent, considering her genes and the fact that it is much easier to drill undesirable traits out of a child than an adult. 

"Think, what was the first step in hostage training..." she paced near the wall furthest away from the thick metal door, "scan your surroundings" she could hear her Uncle Jameson saying in her head; as he had in their many training sessions. 

She paced the room with silent steps until she spotted a dull flashing red light, which she knew came from a security camera...she was being watched. 

"Okay, one security camera, one point of entry, no obvious exits" she reported to herself. "Step two,  listen for-"

Suddenly the thick metal door opened and two large men wearing dark, combat suits marched into the room.  Y/n froze. 'Okay...guess I'm going to have to skip to step five. Play the part' she thought. 

As the men marched towards her, she allowed her lower lip to tremble and summoned tears to her eyes. She slowly backed away from them before they reached towards her and...SNAP. She dealt a kick to a shin that belonged to the bigger of the two guards', breaking it. Before she had a chance to turn around, she felt another prick in her neck and once again...everything went black.

When she awoke this time, she was strapped to a chair in yet another cold, dark, room. This time four guards were pacing the room and one man in a suit stood directly before her. 

"You're much feistier than you look" He laughed.

Y/n stayed silent, eyes glaring. She knew her old trick wouldn't work, so she opted for intimidation. Too bad it wasn't very effective coming from a five-year-old. 

"So, young one, what is your name"


"I mean, I obviously already know your name but I thought I would be polite. My name is Dr Domonic Nox and I will be your new handler. Do you understand?" 


"Your first lesson is that you will speak when addressed."  SMACK.

Y/n felt the heat rising to her face and was aware of the red handprint that would be left considering the harsh sting she felt.

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