Chapter 5 - It's all so different

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Authors note: I just wanted to seriously thank every single one of you who have taken the time out of you day (or night) to read my book. Its crazy to think that this book has over 100 reads! Also, I just wanted to make it clear that all pronouns are welcome here. I know that I often refer to y/n as she, and I apologise if any of you go by different pronouns. Please feel free to ignore it and replace it with your own :) Love you!

*hint hint* this chapter gonna be fun! ;)

Recap: Y/N has been training at HYDRA since she was 5. At the age of 10 they froze both her and the Winter Soldier so their assets wouldn't be wasted.

It was all so quiet... but then she could hear the faint sound of machines whirring. It was so soft that a normal person wouldn't have heard it but y/n wasn't normal.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, something felt different. It was an eerie feeling y/n couldn't quite put her finger on. Suddenly the door to her chamber slid open and she was met with a man in a lab coat, wearing a surgical mask. Something about it was different, was it the mask or - no 'the lab coat' she thought 'the lab coat looks different'. Y/n considered asking about the change but was quickly pulled back into reality when she remembered where she was and all the training she had received. She mentally cursed herself for even thinking of something as stupid as asking a question. 'What had gotten into her?'

"Step out Soldat" the man spoke, you are needed. She looked around expecting to see her trainer, the Winter Soldier, but he was nowhere.

'Who the hell are they talking to?' she wondered 'Soldat isn't here'.

The man then repeated himself with more edge and volume to his voice.

"I suggest you comply Soldat. Now, I said step out"

'Oh, he must be talking to her. No one had ever called her Soldat before...that was his name'.

In fear of punishment y/n stepped out. Her legs wobbled but she quickly composed herself. 'Sloppy', she heard Dr. Nox say in her head. She shuddered at the thought of him seeing that moment of weakness. It certainly wouldn't go without punishment.

Those Eyes {Y/N Rogers - HYDRA's Assasin}Where stories live. Discover now