You Are Not Alone

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Will's POV

I didn't go to the infirmary that day. I know, I should've sucked it up and gone so that Anya wouldn't be alone, but I needed to stay with Nico. 

I had to sneak back to my cabin so that it looked like I'd been there all night. I got up with the rest of my cabin and tried to look as tired as I could as I brushed my teeth and changed clothes. I remembered last night, the awful feeling in the pit of my stomach as I trudged past Hades Cabin. I thought of the look in Nico's eyes when I broke through the bathroom door. He looked so scared, so vulnerable, so lost. It broke my heart.

I ran to the dining pavilion and filled up two paper plates with eggs, bacon, fruit, and french toast. I love french toast. I then managed to sneak away without anyone noticing and ran straight to the Hades cabin.

"Hey Nico." I smiled softly at the small dark son of hades.

"Will? What are you doing here?" I sat down next to him on the bed and carefully placed the plate on his lap.

"You haven't eaten in at least three days. I can tell just by looking at you. You're practically skin and bones." I said as gently as possible.

Nico merely nodded and picked up an apple slice to nibble on. His eyes were still red. We sat in silence for a while, but I decided I had to say something.

"You're going to need an excuse to get out of training. Eventually, Chiron is going to notice that you haven't been at practice."

He nodded again but said nothing.

"Hey," I lifted his chin so he met my eyes. "I'm not going to judge you. I'm not even going to bring it up if you don't want me to. I'll write you a note for Chiron. I'll say that you have a bad cold. You don't even have to stay in the infirmary! I'll come in here to check on you until you heal. But just, please eat."

Nico stared at the ground. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"What for?"

"I didn't want anyone to see me like that, that vulnerable. Especially not you. I-I just don't want to hurt anyone else."

I smiled. "Oh, Nico. You didn't hurt me. Never hide your own emotions out of fear of hurting those around you, because I can help. Reyna and Jason can help. Hazel can help, fuck, even Chiron can help! There is not a person in or outside this camp that hasn't done or thought about doing that, at least once, even briefly. You are not alone. Never, ever, assume that you'll hurt people by telling them how you feel."

He nodded and leaned into me, resting his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him and squeezed his shoulder, careful not to squeeze his cuts. Eventually, he began to snore softly, and I remembered he'd been up all night. I gently rested him on the bunk and threw away his plate in the recycling bin. Before I left, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the razor from the shower floor, and recycled that too. I would make sure that Nico never got hurt again.

A/N Awww!!! So sweet. Sorry for the short chapter, not like anyone reading this anyway lol :') I'll take a break from the sad next chapter. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

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