I Don't Mind

315 8 17

Will's POV


I sat up groggily at the sound of my name. I was asleep on Nico's bedroom floor-again.

"That's the sixth time this week!" Nico groaned into his pillow.

I smiled sheepishly, knowing he was talking about our little nightly outings around camp.

"Hey, you're the one who keeps suggesting we go on dates. I just enjoy them." 

"They're not dates." Nico grumbled.

"Hm. Sure." I said, smiling smugly.

"Fuck off." He threw a pillow at my face. I caught it and laughed. I checked my watch. 5:26 am. Shit, I slept in. 

"Come on, get up!" I said, standing up and dusting off my clothes.

"Will, it's still dark out." Nico grumbled, not looking up from his pillow.

"That's the point," I said peppily.

He groaned.

"Come on Nico, I want to watch the sunrise with you!"

He flipped me off, but dragged himself out of bed and slid into an MCR T-shirt and his aviator's jacket, which he'd had since he was ten and I'm surprised still fit him.

"Half-Blood hill?" Nico asked, running his fingers through his long hair. I smiled mischievously.

"Not this time. I have somewhere better."

Nico looked at me questioningly but followed me to the strawberry fields, where we sat down right in the middle, where the light of the rising sun would be visible, but we would also be sheltered by the shade of Half-Blood hill. We sat together, making small talk and jokes and eating strawberries until the first rays of sunlight began peaking over the hill. I placed my hand on top of Nico's, and suddenly I felt something growing inside me. A surge of confidence to do the impossible. I don't know where it came from, but it came in strong. 

"Nico?" I couldn't believe what I was about to say.


I blushed and stared at the ground, Nico's dark, full eyes staring at me in questioning. I always loved Nico's eyes, because they always seemed to change, yet stay the same. It remains a mystery to me how something can hold every color and no color at the same time. 

"I-um-" What was I doing? This was insane! "Nevermind."

Nico frowned and lifted my chin so I met his eyes, the same way I had done with him that horrible night in his cabin when he had his nightmare. He bit his lip in concern, and I blushed harder. Oh, fuck it! I pushed my lips against his briskly, before pulling away.

He blinked, his eyes wide in surprise.


The realization hit me that I probably just ruined everything between us. All the friendship, trust... everything.

"Oh my gods Nico I am so sorry!" I shot to my feet and hid my head in my hands. "I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked or something or like, given you some sort of warning-"

"Will, no-"

"And I know you probably don't even like guys so that was probably super awkward and gross for you-"

"No Will that's not-"

"And I know I probably just ruined everything and I understand if you don't feel the same way about me-"


I paused. Nico stood up and looked me in the eyes, which must have been difficult when we were standing up because I was at least four inches taller than him.

"It's okay." He said, smiling slightly.

"You mean...I didn't just ruin our entire friendship?"

"No, you ruined it all right," Nico whispered, cupping my cheek and bringing his face closer to me "but I don't mind." He closed the space between us, pushing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. I froze for a second, processing what was happening, then closed my eyes and kissed back, my hands finding their way to his hips. He parted his lips slightly and I slipped my tongue inside his mouth. We moved together, our lips and tounges locked in an aggressive dance for dominance. He tangled his hands in my hair and I finally pulled away for a moment to breathe. 

"Gods, you taste amazing," I murmured. Nico giggled. Giggled!  "So does this mean that we're...?"

"I guess." I smiled, blushing. "Only if that's what you want." I added hurriedly.

"I would love nothing more." Nico smiled. He kissed me again, briefly, and then disappeared into the last shadows of the dawn.

A/N Awww :3! Sorry, this chapter's short but I hope you guys like it!<3 Also, I refused to give my gf the title of this book (because my writing isn't that good) so she vowed to hunt it down and read it. Cypress, if you are reading this, I wrote you another poem. If you stop reading this right now I'll show it to you. K love you guys, stay safe, eat well, get lots of sleep, drink plenty of water, and love yourself! Have a wonderful morning/noon/afternoon/night! <3

~Charlie :3

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