Hades Part 2

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Will's POV

The inside of the palace was huge. The entrance opened up into an enormous sitting room, with black and red couches scattered about and a large velvet rug in the middle. four flights of stairs led upward, and a wide hallway in the farthest wall led to twin black doors big enough for Cerberus.

"Come on, the throne room's this way," Nico said, leading me down the hallway. I wondered how we were going to open the doors. They seemed too heavy to push. "Okay, now remember," Nico said, brushing off his dress. "Don't mention the dead, don't talk about Zeus, do not speak unless spoken to. Oh, and don't mind Persephone. She's already upset because she has to stay here an extra month, and she has absolutely no filter."

I nodded. "No dead, no Zeus, no talking, no minding Persephone. Got it." 

Nico smiled. "You're so cute."

I pecked him lightly, then turned to face the doors. Turns out I worried for no reason because somehow, they opened on their own. Nico and I stepped forward, clutching each other's hands. Two obsidian thrones decked with jewels stood a platform. On one of them lounged a blond-haired woman dressed in white, a crown of flowers perched atop her head. She looked bored. On the other, a man with sharp cheekbones, long black hair, and dark, sunken eyes sat staring ambitiously. His skin was pale and he was dressed in black robes. He reminded me of an older, more scary version of Nico.

"Nicollo, what have I told you about those dresses? You're a boy, act like one!" The blond woman, who I assumed was Persephone, scolded.

"It's not 700 BC anymore. I can wear what I want." Nico mumbled.

"Well, you look ridiculous. Why can't you-"

"Damn woman, let the boy live his life!" Hades interceded.

"I can't just-"

"Silence!" Hades boomed. "We have a guest."

That was my cue to kneel. "My Lord Hades, My Lady Persephone, I am humbly at your mercy."

"Ooh, I like him," Persephone smirked.

"Get up boy, no need for all that. Nico, be a good host and introduce us."

I slowly stood up, shocked.

"Father, Persephone, this is my boyfriend, William Solace, son of Apollo. Will, this is my father, Hades, and that's Persephone.

"H-hi" I stuttered.

"A pleasure to meet you, William," Hades said.

"Y-you can call me Will..."

"Very well Will. Dinner will be served in the dining room in half an hour. Until then, Nico, why don't you show our guest to your chambers."

"Yes Father," Nico said, then ushered me out of the throne room and back to the sitting room. We went up a flight of stairs, through another more narrow hallway, and stopped at a black door, accented in gold. This one, thankfully, was mortal-sized. Nico opened the door and stepped inside. I followed. Like everything in the palace, the room's ceiling, walls, and floor were made of black marble. On one side of the room there was a fireplace, a fur rug, and a couch, and on the other a bed and a nightstand, and a window. He had a walk-in closet, though there were barely any clothes. A few dresses, some hoodies, a T-shirt. I suppose he needed the extra space. After all, he did live in there for eighty-something years. The exoticness of his room didn't surprise me though. Neither did the fact that it was almost as big as the throne room. What surprised me was the sheer amount of artwork hanging on the walls. 

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