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Will's POV

It's been a week.  I visit Nico every morning, noon, and night to make sure he's healing properly and that he's eating and sleeping regularly. And I also just like seeing him. I know it sounds crazy, but I think he kinda likes seeing me on a daily basis too. Either way, It's going to be a month or so before he gets his stitches out, (A/N Sorry if I got that wrong, I've never had stitches before ((thankfully)) so I don't know how long Nico would have them in, however, my stepmom fell off a cliff and had her stitches in for over a year so based on that knowledge and some research I've done I'd estimate for the depth, width, and amount of the wounds one month sounds about right.)so he's not getting rid of me anytime soon. I have been in the infirmary a lot, but I find time. 


The scariest voice in camp shook me out of my thoughts. I glanced toward the doorway, where Jason and Percy were being dragged in by their ears, Annabeth scolding them both, and a very angry-looking Rachael trailed behind them.  Percy and Jason were covered head-to-toe in paint and blood, and Jason's arm looked broken. Annabeth was soaking wet, and Rachael was holding a butter knife. I sighed.

"Alright," I said, approaching the group. "What did they do this time?"

"Jason started it!" Percy whined.

"Well, it was your  idea!" Jason responded.

"THESE TWO DUMBASSES-" Rachael began,

"Rachael!" I said quickly, deciding to take action before she got riled up and decided to stab everyone to death with her tiny knife. "Why don't you take Anna to get cleaned up, and I'll deal with Jason and Percy."

She looked as if she were about to protest, then thought better of it and nodded grudgingly.

"C'mon Annabeth," She growled, "Let's get you cleaned up." Annabeth took one last pleading look at me before Rachael grabbed her hand and dragged her away, toward the Aphrodite cabin. I shuddered.

"So," I said, turning back toward Percy and Jason. "Let's dress those wounds, shall we?"


"And then Jason was like 'your bottom energy really shows when you fight' and he KNOWS I'm a switch because he-"

"Dude, don't even! the ONE time I let you on top you didn't even know where to go! You sucked, man! You ARE a bottom!!"

"Um... guys?" I interrupted. "This is a nice conversation and all, but could you get to the point?"

"Oh yeah! So we ended up having a paint war but we ran out of paint so we sort some of Rachael's and we got some on Anna and so Percy just absent-mindedly dumped half the lake onto her and then Rachael started stabbing everyone with her butter knife." Jason summed up.

"Ah," I said, as I finished bandaging Percy. "Well, Percy, you should probably go save your girlfriend from the Aphrodite campers, or save them from her. Jason, you go do whatever you were doing before you got into this mess." They both nodded and walked out, hitting each other and bickering about something. Not three minutes later, there was a scream, and Drew Tanaka, along with four or five other Aphrodite campers limped in. Welp. This would be fun.


"Oh, Willllll!" Piper sing-songed from the entrance of the infirmary "Someone's here to see youuuuu!"

"Will!" Jared's cheerful voice caught my attention

She was being wheeled into the infirmary by Piper, and they both looked like they'd been crying, but Piper smiled wistfully, and Jared's face was one of pure joy.

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