Chapter 7

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You and Heeseung went back to the castle only to find a nervous Taehyung walking back and forth chanting something you don't quite understand because he said it merely a whisper so the two of you went towards him...

"I'm so sorry.. I'm very, very sorry.." He said. You want to ask him what's bothering him but your brother already went to him.

"Taehyung, what are you apologizing for?" Taehyung immediately stopped when he heard your brother's voice as if he was caught stealing something..

He turned to the two of you with a face full of nervousness and regret as his eyes were getting watery...

"Your Highnesses, I am very, very sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me!" He dropped over his knees, holding Heeseung's hands, and tears flowing from his eyes non stop.

You automatically kneeled in front of Taehyung and hugged him, encouraging him to stand up and the three of you went into your parents' bedroom and locked it.

"I know father won't let us in here, but he would understand and mother..." You looked at the picture of your mother on the wall and her cremation jar that sits on her favorite dresser.

Heeseung's eyes softens as you look at the picture of your mother, but he quickly turned to Taehyung who is also looking at the picture while his tears are continuously flowing from his eyes..

You sighed heavily and turned to Taehyung and to your brother.

"Okay.. kindly please explain everything. As in every, single, thing." Heeseung said eyes locked at Taehyung's face.

"I... As you can see, I am the Queens personal guard..." His face turned sour mentioning 'Queen' and continued...

"She commanded me to follow you and report to her everything I see.. I mean, of course I don't want to because I would be betraying you, the King, and the Kingdom.." He started..

You looked at your brother and nodded to Taehyung to continue.

"She threatened me that she would kill my family if I don't do it.." He looked to the floor, wiping his fresh tears.

"Don't do what?" Your brother asked.

"P-put poison to the King's d-drink.." He immediately fell to the ground quickly apologizing...

'Of course... who wouldn't be afraid of losing the ones you love?' You suddenly thought as you helped him stand up. 

"H-hey, you know we all treat you as our second family right?" You said to him while wiping his tears.. and Heeseung patted his back.

"T-that's why I didn't do it.." Taehyung said as he reached for his back pocket and gave you a small bottle with a clear liquid in it. Its the poison that looks like normal water.

You gave the poison to Heeseung and he kept it.

"I-I know that I can turn to all of you because you'd given me and my family a chance to live without experiencing anymore chaos.. and I wanted to replace it with all that I could give.." His face straightened as he looks at you and your brother..

Flashback 7 years ago...

"P-please stop... T-that's all we have left.." Taehyung's mother said while grasping the small amount of money that she has left in her wallet while cradling a small baby which is Taehyung's little sister, and a 13 year old Taehyung hiding inside their room with their spare money for their rent..

"Tch.. I know you still have money you b*tch!" His cruel, drunk father pointed a gun towards his mother with an evil smirk..

"W-where d-did you even get that?" His mother asked tightening her hug to their baby as her eyes went wide at the gun.

"And this? This is none of your business, b*tch." He was about to fire the gun when the door of their house bursted revealing the King with his guards surrounding Taehyung's father...

"Y-your Majesty.." Taehyung's father widened his eyes in shock and shakily dropped the gun that he was holding.

"Arrest him." The King's voice is as cold as ice looking at Taehyung's father and immediately softens when he turned his gaze into Taehyung's mother crying while cradling his little sister.

"P-please sir, I didn't intent to kill my wife." The other man said while kneeling in  front of the King.

"You didn't? You have a baby! A father won't just 'accidentally' points his gun to his family." He then commanded his guards to arrest him.

The King went to the mother and child and asked them if they were alright.

"Are there just the two of you?" The King asked her softly as he caressed the baby's cheeks.

"I-I still have a son, sir.. I kept him hidden with our money inside that room." She said pointing at the door beside her.

"Well, get him. I will help you find a new home." As he said that, Taehyung went out off the room with tears in his eyes and ran to his mother to hug her and her little sister.

"T-thank you Your Highness, for saving my mother and my sister." He bowed down to him.

"I would want to repay you for your kindness sir.." He added..

The King lifted him up and wiped his tears, giving him a warm smile.

"How old are you, son?" He asked him. Gosh, hearing the King call him 'son' makes him want to sob in his embrace..

"I am 13 years old, sir." He said through his hiccups.

"You Know, I have a 12 year old son as brave as you, and a 10 year old daughter who is stubborn to be a warrior." The King started as he smiles at the thought of his children.

"Prince Heeseung and Princess Y/n?" Taehyung replied as his hiccups reduce to sniffles.

"Yes, yes.. you were just like them.." He smiled at Taehyung as he looked at him with hope.

"Would you like to be my wife's personal guard?" Taehyung's eyes brightens up with joy.

Back to the present..

"I-if you could forgive me, I would want to fix my mistake..." Taehyung said looking at the floor.

"I realized that being the guard of the current Queen would make me do something like this and I would really wish that your mother didn't pass away that day.." The mention of your mother made you hug him tight and lightly sob.

"We miss her too.." Heeseung said as he hugged the both of you.

"We forgive you.." You smiled at him, patting his shoulder.

"Act like you didn't see us and say to her 'Highness' that you did it when the party starts. Okay? Then meet with us at the secret garden behind the castle. You want to fix your mistake right? Then meet with us later when I give you the signal." Heeseung said with a stern voice and the three of you went out of the room and locked it and walked as if nothing happened.

'This evilness needs to end...'  You thought as the three of you separated your ways to get ready for your 'Birthday Party'. 

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