Chapter 5

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Although you didn't know what kind of plan your step mother is thinking, but you and your brother felt uneasy, so you two made a plan to stop what your step mother is planning to do, especially on your special day. 

The two of you know where to meet each other and of course, its at your training place. Since you also don't want your guests to get into trouble, you started to think for a second plan and decided to discuss it with your brother later when you arrive.

The King have no idea what his children are about to plan neither his wife, but he knows that his children won't do something suspicious and bad to their Kingdom, and for their family. But what does he thinks for his wife?

After eating breakfast, the children excused themselves so that they could help prepare for Y/n's 18th birthday party. 

That's what they thought. But the children are intelligent. They might look innocent and easy to fool with, but man... that's the opposite.

The teenagers told their house helpers that they would be gone for a moment but would come back before the party. They told them that they will just walk and have some fresh air. 

Their personal guards are their very most trusted people so they all know most of their plans. They are very close since the former Queen gave birth to the teenagers, that they already considered them as family. But the current Queen is different. She treats them as normal guards and not family. But that doesn't stop the personal guards to change their affection and love for their young Highnesses. 

"Are you sure you two want to go there alone?" One of the guards asked them as they head to their horses.

"We will be safe, don't worry Hoseok." Heeseung gave him a hug and Y/n just gave him a warm smile.

"You know where to find us when you need help." The other guard spoke while helping Y/n get up on her horse.

"Yes, of course.. Yoongi. Thank you." Y/n gave him a small salute gesture which Yoongi returned.

"Oppa, are you sure that they will be there now?" You asked your older brother who has a serious face since you two left the castle. 

"Yes sis. They  already said that they would come. Don't worry.. I know that mother will do something fishy. I could sense it." He gave you a smile but it didn't reaches  his eyes. 

You know that even though your brother is brave, he would also have a soft spot for you and your safety. He would be easily distracted if you would feel uneasy or different. That's how he loves you. He will surely give his very best to protect you from danger. And keep his promise to your mother until the day of his last breath. 

You are very strong and brave that you could sacrifice yourself for the family and for your Kingdom. That's why you wanted to be a warrior since you were little. You don't want others to think that you are the same with the other princesses who only knows how to host tea parties.

But you never thought that your brother would be like this serious for you and for the Kingdom's safety. He would be a great King in the future.

You continued to your tracks as you finally reached your destination, the training place. 

There you saw your trainers, the two cousins, some unfamiliar faces, and the one whom you missed so much through these years.

You raced your horse in full of excitement as you see your cousin waiting for the two of you to arrive.

When he finally saw the two of you, he broke into a big smile and run towards your direction.

You halted your horse to a stop, quickly got down that you almost fell but managed to stand straight and run to your cousin.

"Ni-ki!!!!!" You hugged him tight and realized that he is almost as tall as you.

"Noona, I missed you so much!!!" He said that made his eyes watery..

"Well, noona is here already.. Wow, you've grown tall!!!" Your eyes went big like saucers as you run your eyes towards his body up and down. 

"And that's not all..." He wriggled his brows and gave you a funny smirk that Heeseung smacked his head.

"Ow hyung!" He said to Heeseung while rubbing his head where he smacked.

"Hello to you too, baby couz.." He laughed and hugged Ni-ki which he returned.

"Hey! I ain't a baby anymore.. I am a grown up man now.. right noona?" He looked at you and he gave you his playful smirk again that made you laugh hard. 

You all went back to the training place where the others are waiting. You greeted them and introduced yourself to the unfamiliar Princes named,  Jungwon,  Jay, and Sunoo. 

"Ayo man!" Jay and Heeseung shared a manly hug, then Jungwon and Sunoo followed.

You went to your trainers and gave them both high fives. Sunghoon greeted you and went to your brother. You saw Jake and then suddenly felt something fluttering inside you. He gave you a shy smile which made you blush and returned it. 

"Hey.." He managed to tell you although his voice is shaky, obviously nervous because of what he is feeling towards you.

"Hi.. how are you?" You asked him and man, his heart made a cartwheel

"I am good, how about you? I-I mean, gosh.. I should be the one asking you that.." He said while rubbing his nape.

"I am great... u-uh.." You rolled your eyes at yourself for stuttering and looked at the ground.

"Ohhh~" Ni-ki said startling you and gave you his funny smirk. Again.

You and Jake laughed at his goofiness lightening the awkward situation. 

"Aye lovebirds! We are here for the plan and not for romance!" Heeseung shouted and your blush just deepened. 

'Wow, what am I feeling?' You thought.

You looked at Jake who is looking at the floor, having his cheeks stained with pink, casually licked his lips and bit it then looked back at you.

"U-uh.. I think we need to uhmm..." You started..

"Get back there?" He finished, but the pink stain on his cheeks didn't leave which you find beautiful.

"Yeah.." You replied.

Ni-ki ran back to them leaving the two of you behind, walking.

You suddenly feel a warm hand engulfing yours as you look at Jake who is looking at another direction.

His brave action made you blush even more that made you feel that your heart is going to explode.

'I think I am getting crazy..' You thought to yourself.

You let your hand get warm by Jake's as you walk back to them, hand in hand..

But man...  how he would wish for you to know how happy he was when you didn't remove your hand in his.

In Between Rebellion and Freedom [ENHYPEN Jake x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now