Angel with a shot gun

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If you haven't heard the song angel with a shot gun by cab i suggest that you do !! For some reason i wanted to name this chapter after it!!!

Also here is what I would want my characters to look like, courtesy of Google lol

So... Top left if Patrick, top right is Scarlett, bottom left is detective Harding himself, and bottom right we have our psycho, enjoy!


Harding followed the little blue dot that he knew as Scarlett on the screen of his mobile phone. He eventually pulled up outside the Croydon Park hotel, a fancy place with a gym hotel and sauna, Harding new it well. Three weeks into their marriage they came to stay here for a long weekend just the two of them, this had to be a sign for him.

He handed over the keys to his car to the valet waiting him. Under the over of the buildings shelter he was protected from the bullets of rain falling from the grey sky, the dark coloured clouds resembled his under eyes from lack of sleep and little energy. His face had become sunken and drained, the drugs had helped slightly and he still had a slight buzz to run on.

He walked into the hotels lobby, still unaware of the dark figure following him and his every step strategically so that he wouldn't notice. The lobby was decorated with greens and browns and the slight golden statue every now and then, 'so this was the modern art' he mused. The main desk was set up in the corner of the room and took up the two walls, it was white with a series of yellow squares along the bottom. The room was stuffed with square tables, each side with either a green or brown single seater sofa, each table itself was make of a dark brown wood, and had a clear bowl of water resting on the top. The room was well lit by the sixties style brown and green lights dangling down from the ceiling. The whole place was horrible. The only good qualities about the room where the giant chandelier that hung from the middle and the three plasma screen TV's set around on different walls.

I walking briskly to the nearest bath room he quickly bent over the sink and did a quick line. The drugs going directly to his head sending him a wave of energy that knocked him back for a second. He sniffed a few more times before looking in the mirror and tugging at the hem of his shirt, he thought about how he should have ironed it but he just didn't have the time earlier.

The man that was following saw him go into the bathroom and decided to take a seat on one of the sofas, facing the toilet and reading the newspaper that was left on the seat. From this angle he could see the toilet and the desk clearly. He briefly skimmed over the words in front of him while looking for the detective to come out of the bathroom from his side view. When he finally did it was clear he was buzzed, his eyes were huge and he seemed overly energetic, almost jumping around on his feet like he couldn't stand still even for a split second.

Harding walked up to the front desk and looked at the young blonde who was busy looking at shoes on the computer screen. He cleared her throat causing her to jump and look up at him finally. Her eyes widened at the detectives state, he was a mess and looked a lot like a drunkard. 'Detective Harding' he said flashing his badge and waiting for her to finish inspecting it.

'What can i do for you detective?' She seemed to have softened up, regaining some of her confidence when she realised he wasn't a threat. He was probably just tired, she thought.

'I need to know if you have seen this woman before' he handed her over a photo of Scarlett and instantly her face lit up from recognition.

'Yes! That's Mrs. Pagen, she is in room 305. She said her husband is meant to be arriving soon'

'Mrs. Pagen?' Harding felt his face drop and his voice nearly cracked. 'Thank you' he mumbled before making his way over to the elevator. Pressing up he waited impatiently for the lift to arrive, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like a boxer in the ring waiting for his opponent to get close enough for the knock out punch.

The man who had been listening intently waited for Harding to get into the lift, his heart rate had increased dramatically. He rushed up to the elevator, his calmness was on point and to anyone else he was just another guest. Judging by most of these people there was a wedding on, so he fit in perfectly as part of the wedding party. He waited for the lift to arrive with more patience than Harding, from here he could hear the excited receptionist giddily tell her friends about the detective that was here not long ago asking for her help.

Harding stood outside Scarlett's door, he managed to pick up a key card front eh overly excited receptionist with his numb hands, now he used those hands to swipe it in the door handle. The light turned green telling him that he had access to the room. The room itself was decorated with purple and yellow, It had a double bed in the middle of the wall which had yellow and white bed sheets. There was a TV on the desk, and a yellow lamp on the night stand. The walls where white with the exception of the wall the bed was set against, it was a pale green tinted yellow.

Harding stepped into the room a bit more, still wedging the door open with his foot just in case this wasn't his wives room. He could here the sound of the shower running, and was suddenly aware of his dry mouth and accelerated heart rate and breathing. His hands where sweaty as they held onto the door nob and the key card. He was suddenly very self conscience about what he was wearing, his jeans where worn down at the hems and his shirt was crumpled, sticking to his back and arms due to sweat from nerves. He took a few deep breaths preparing himself mentally for the confrontation to come. 'You can do this' he said to himself, 'She's your wife and being here is a sign that she still loves you'.

Just as he was about to step further into the room a figure came barrelling into him from the hall. He caught the sweat musky scent and knew instantly that it was the man. Harding was lifted up by his shirt and thrown against the desk, knocking down the TV in the process. The crash caused the shower to turn off, and before he could say anything the the man's fist came smashing into the right side of his face. He caught the glimpse of the gold wedding band now on the man's left hand. His wedding band, he would recognise it anywhere.

Scarlett came out of the bathroom in a white bath robe with Croydon hotel written on the left side. Her wedding band was still on her hand, and her face lit up instantly when she saw the scene in front of her. Both men thought that she was happy to see them. But she was only interested in her husband, she ignored the room and the state the two men where in, all she could focus on was the fact that her husband was here, in this room. He had got her message that she still loved him even though she left, and he came to find her.

Harding found he had a new energy taking over his body, maybe it was the drugs, or maybe it was the fact that his wife was happy to see him, either way he now had the energy he needed to end this.

Pushing the man away from him he straddled him and brought down punch after punch on his face, when he tried to block the blows Harding used his knees to pin down the man's hands and stated bringing down his elbows on his hands. Scarlett let out a screeched and Harding could only just hear her screaming his name over the adrenaline and blood pumping threw his veins.

'You're killing him!! Get off him!!!'

When he didn't listen Scarlett ran over to the cupboard behind her and pulled out a duffel bag. Throwing out clothes and various types of shoes she found the double barrelled shot gun at the bottom of the bag that she was looking for. The ammunition was in a box set in the corner of the bag. She loaded the shotgun and ran back over to the two men fighting, cocking the gun Harding's fists came to a haul. His breathing was hitched, and his face was red and covered in a layer of sweat. The gun was pointed directly at him, and confusion took over his features. He was vaguely aware of his hands raising above his head, and his body moving so that he was no longer on the man.

'Stay away from my husband you pig'

As the man looked up at Scarlett all he could see through his swollen eyes was her blonde hair framing her face, her white gown that was hanging loosely, and the shot gun that she held like an extension of her arm. She really was an angel, his angel. His angel with a shot gun.



Okay so she has either gone mental or there is a major plot twist... DUN DUN DUUUUUUN

Thank you all for reading!! as well as your continued support!!

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