The calling

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I'm so so sorry I haven't updated!! So much stress from school haha!! Two months till the real exams!! Wish me luck guys!! Hope you like this chapter!!!


Harding stumbled out of the chair and tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. He was sure the girl was a hallucination, a figure of his imagination sent to torture him, another effect from the drugs. Something not really there.

He wandered aimlessly across the room, his mouth slightly open, his breathing laboured and his feet dragging to get to his desired destination. The effort caused him to fall against the door frame, clinging to the white chipping paint. He fell through the door trying to take another step, His hands connecting to the cold wall opposite his office, the pain from the connection sending jolts of adrenaline through him, making everything clearer for a few more seconds.

'Wake up' she called to him. Turning he looked down the corridor to see her sauntering around the corner. He was filled with a sense of curiosity. A need to know who this mysterious woman was, and why he recognised her voice so clearly in his head. He continued stumbling down the corridor, keeping his hand on the wall to the left of him. As he reached the end of the corridor he went to turn down the right towards the stair case.

Knocking over a vase of dead flowers and stagnant water he looked over the barrister at the woman standing in the middle of the stairs, almost as if she was waiting for him to catch up. She turned her head slightly, her black hair covering most of her side profile. The only parts of her face he could see was the end of her button nose, her slightly pink tinted cheeks, and her long eyelashes that framed her vibrant green eyes. 'Wake up'. It seemed almost like a calling, like she was calling him to her, to something important.

Taking one look at the stairs he felt nauseous. Everything was in doubles, his eyes felt crossed and blood shot, the stair case seemed to grow longer and more dangerous for him to descend down. The long curving bannister seemed to come alive at his touch, coiling around his cold hands. It seemed to keep him in place and it took everything he had to rip his hand away from the cold wood growing over his hand and up his wrist.

He stumbled down two or three of the stairs, into the arms of the mysterious woman. She seemed to appear out of no one, she held him on his chest and under his arm. The drugs were still wearing off, slowing coming out of his body in his sweat. He still couldn't get a proper look at her. Her face seemed distorted and confused causing him to have to look away.

She began guiding him down the stairs, most of his weight leaning on this dark looking angel at his side. Maybe that's what she was, his angel.


Patrick waited at the bottom of the stairs, he was sure Emily was going to do as he asked her to. She was addicted, drunk and crazy on this idea of Robert leaving Scarlett for her. Patrick waited at the bottom of the stairs with the man held next to him. A gun held to his temple as they heard the two approaching.

'Okay' he began, his voice just above a whisper 'this is how it's going to go, you want Scarlett then you do as I say.' The man glared at him, the gag around his mouth restraining his words. He felt angry at being held like this, forced to be treated like an animal to stay silent against his own will. He had found Scarlett in the basement, he thought his luck had turned around, they had left the door open. Little did he know it was on purpose, he found out the hard way. With the end of the pistol in his hand connecting with his temple, sending a shooting pain through his head. The area still throbbed but he had had the last 15 minutes to recover, he soon forgot the pain when he saw Scarlett, she had lost consciousness and was slumped across the floor of the cage she was being held in. He sat there for 10 minutes staring at her feeling useless, his tears came uncontrollably until Patrick had come for him.

'Nod once if you understand' The man nodded, the second he had Scarlett safe he vowed to kill this bastard staring at him. 'Good.'

He leaned out further into the hallway to see their progress. They were halfway down the stairs. Harding was a mess, leaning on Emily to keep him up. 'Okay once they reach the bottom of the steps you're going to take that fire extinguisher and hit Harding on the back of the had. Very, very hard. He cannot remember any of this. You understand?' The man nodded slowly after a few minutes consideration.

By now they had reached the bottom of the stairs and the gag was removed from the mans' mouth. He gingerly reached out for the fire hydrant, the only thing that stopped him from smashing it over this freaks head was the gun pointed at his head. He reminded himself this was for Scarlett, for their future together.

He took a few steps forward, just enough to see out into the main corridor from where they hiding. They were slowly creeping towards them, Harding's feet dragging slowly behind him, he looked a mess. He probably wouldn't feel anything he was so high. Taking one last breath and sending another glare at the man he got ready to step out into the light. He waited until Harding and Emily had passed them before he stepped out behind them. He lifted the hydrant above his head and brought it down in one fatal swoop to the back of his head. The last thing that Harding remembered was the blackness taking over in a spreading pain through his head, the darkness seeping in and out his veins and finally pulling into the black void beyond.

His body hit the floor like a ton of bricks, Emily stood there, her face void of any emotion as she stared down at him. Patrick let out a feeble laugh, not because he found it funny, but because he couldn't believe he actually did it. His laugh got louder until it seemed to rumble from his chest and fill the whole area around them. It reflect on the walls and sent chills down the mans' back. 'Where's the key?' He turned around and held his hand out in a demanding demeanour, the sooner they left this place the better.

Patrick pulls out a rusted over copper key and hands it over to him. He then pulls out his phone and dials a number walking out of the room. a few moments after he was gone the man was almost at the door to the basement and the house alarm had just turned off. He assumed he only had a few minutes before police would be all over the area, so he rushed down the stairs and unlocked the cage.

Scarlett's body was so disfigured and twisted he new touching her would cause her a lot of pain. He was still way of the time as he tried to lift her up from under her arms and behind her knees. The second he lifted her from the floor she scared to let out few groans from the pain. Other than that she remained unconscious,her eyes only fluttering slightly beneath him.

They made it out to his car with her still asleep in his arms, as he gently placed her into the front seat of the car. He ran to the other side and shoved the car into reverse as he made his way down the driveway backwards. He made a quick one 180 turn at the end of the drive way, then headed down the main road away from the sirens. He had done it. She was safe. But there was still the nagging of guilt t the back of his mind, had he done it the right way? What is he killed him? Scarlett tried to speak from the passenger seat, but he was sure it was just her unconscious mind. For now she was his main priority, and she needed medical attention.



Oh my god the book is coming to an end!! This is so sad! But at least there will be another book after this one!! Hopefully this chapter will get us up to 1000 reads!! Cross fingers!! Thank you all so much for reading!! Don't forget to comment and vote and tell others about the book!!!

As always, I love you guys!!

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