Together we stand

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Hi guys and gals! It's come to my attention that I have some new reads! Hi!!! Thankyou to everyone who is reading, I'm so sorry for the late update!!! Hopefully this makes up for it and pushes the book to 900! Hopefully reaching 1000 soon!!!


Harding stood in the hotel room, the envelope on the floor, the photo of himself torn up, and the note sitting I'm his hands. He had no proof that what Patrick was saying was the truth, how did he know he would keep his promise? Scarlett was still his world, even if he wasn't hers.

His phone beeped in his pocket letting him know that the man was on the move to some new place. He hasn't gone out in days Harding thought to himself, maybe he's found something out.

Filled with a new sense of hope he got up the software that let him follow his phone, the blue dot filled the screen almost immediately, pulsating as it crossed over roads and flyovers. After a few minutes of watching the screen, fascinated by the feeling of hope that filled his chest, by the way the blue dot seemed to move non-stop as if it was moving freely, despite the traffic lights and the pedestrians, Harding soon came to the realization that the man was coming to the hotel, the same one that he was currently seated in.

He stared into space for a few minutes alone with his thoughts that swam around his head. What if was coming for the same reason Harding came here? What if Patrick was playing them both? Perhaps there was a chance, a very slim one, that Scarlett and Patrick Where in this hotel, maybe even in the room next to him.

He was snapped out of his ridiculous thoughts by his phone going off again, this time a different beep letting him know that he had a text message. He looked at the phone and saw the withheld flashing across the screen, letting him know that it was from Patrick. Hurry up, my patience is wearing thin. How did he know? Glancing around the room Harding felt uneasy, Patrick knew he was here. Patrick knew he was still alive. So somehow he was watching Harding.

His phone beeped again, looking down he could see that Patrick had come to a stop, he was here. As Harding looked around to the room, not only did he have the eery theory he was being watched, but he came to the realization that he wasn't the only victim in this hotel room. Bolting out of the room he ran down the stairs taking two at a time, his mind on auto pilot. Barrelling through the door into the front lobby he caught a glimpse of Patrick getting into the elevator. Cursing he ran over and impatiently watched the numbers go up.

His lungs were burning from running down here, his pulse was through the roof, and his mind was running over time. When the lift came to a stop Harding booked back up the stairs once more, when he reached the floor he realized all the doors were open except one due to room service, meaning Patrick was in the room that was still locked.

Looking over the trolleys in the hallway he couldn't find a key for the doors, so he took out his gun, checking silencer was still in place, he took out the lock and barrelled into the room.

The man stood in the middle of the room, the fun in his hands as he stated at it his eyes tore away from it and looked up at Harding, his face showed how torn he felt, it was a reflection of how Harding was not five minutes ago. He realized he was told the same thing, when you die she goes free.

'we've been played, he's watching us The whole time'

Just as he said it both of their phones beeped. Their screens lit up to show identical messages that made Harding want to throw up.

The photo message showed scarlett locked in a cage on a dark damp room. Her skin on her legs was ragged and scared, one leg (the broken one) sat at an unnatural angle. Her hair once long hair was short and uneven, and her face was cut and bruised. This was their choice not to die. They would fight for her. And together they will stand to save her.



This is not the end of the book! But I do hope you're enjoying it so far!!!

Thankyou all again so much for your support, please don't forget to comment and vote!! Thankyou!!

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