With weak knees we fall

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OMG i haven't updated in five days please don't kill me, pretty please! Hopefully this makes up for it!!


Harding stood there, still dumbfound by the situation unravelling before him. His palms where sweaty and he felt faint, he knew the colour had drained from his face, and his breathing was shallow and raspy. The tears pricked at his eyes and threatened to spill over, but still he couldn't bring himself to do it, he had enough dignity for himself to not break down in front of his enemy, and his wife.

The man rose from the floor with shaky movements and reached out for the shot gun than Scarlett held, at first she was resistant, but she soon gave in when he looked her in the eyes, silently pleading. 'Baby why don't you go get dressed and make your way downstairs, i'll meet you at the bar' His voice was soft and steady, not a reflection of how he looked. He had a swollen eye, a split lip and bruising appearing on his left cheek. Even with his hunched over body from the pain he was still taller that Scarlett, his smooth voice travelled down to her ears as she gave a small and resistant nod. With one last look at Harding she walked back into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

The man looked at the door, then down at the shotgun in his hands, before throwing it back into the bag followed by the clothes and shoes. 'So, you're probably a little confused, but you have to understand' his voice dropped slightly so that she wouldn't hear, 'she was in a car accident and she thinks i'm her husband'

'But you're not' Harding was shocked at how quiet and calm his voice was 'I am. This place was a sign for me, she wants me back, she still loves me.' His voice began to get desperate and pleading, he hated it but didn't dwell on it for long.

'She picked this place because it was closest to our house, i cam home to a note on the fridge saying she would be here and had booked a room for the weekend' As he spoke he took the bag over to the cupboard and placed it at the back on the bottom. His phone started to ring but he just ignored it, they could wait for now.

'We came here to get away from our family for a long weekend once' His voice was now barely a whisper and he felt his body shutting down. The mans phone rung again but he still ignored it, instead he sat on the side of the bed and pointed to the chair behind the detective, he looked like he was about to faint and the man did not need to deal with that now.

Scarlett came out of the bathroom, shocked to see both men sitting opposite each other after the events that had just happened moments ago. She was wearing skinny jeans and an plain beige shirt that was fitted to her body. Harding watched her as she blew a kiss to the man, pulled on a pair of knee high black boots, and walked out of the room with her bag slung over her shoulder.

The two men sat there in silence staring at each other, trying to predict their next moves. Harding was the first to speak after a few minutes of the awkward silence, 'so what now?'

'You're giving up? Just like that you're giving up?' The man was shocked, disappointed even that he wasn't going to fight.

'I haven't been the best husband as it is, she doesn't even know who i am any more, what's the point'

'She talks about you in her sleep' It was true, and it had been playing on the mans mind for a while. Sometimes he would lie awake in bed at night waiting for the inevitable. 'It's not much just your m=name. The first time i worried for the whole night that when she woke up she would remember everything.' Harding almost felt sorry for the man, almost. He couldn't deny that he was at least slightly hopeful now. That maybe one day she would remember.

'All i can do is hope' He spoke with a steadier voice now tht he had come to terms with it himself, 'hope that one day she will remember you fro the sadistic, sick freak that you are, and come back to me.' The mans phone rang again, the catchy jingle dancing between the two men filling the awkward silence. 'You going to answer that? That's the third time they've called'

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