Lovers choice

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Okay so I'm writing this chapter on my phone so apologies for auto correct and stuff, hope you like this chapter!!!


Scarlett stood infront of the new mirror in the bathroom, her hair was still up in its french twist and her dress was still hanging perfectly to her curved body. The dinner had actually been really good, he gave her flowers and made her feel special, loved even. He managed to give her butterflies when he rested his hand on her waist, it made them look like the perfect couple. 'stop this' she thought. Robert was still constantly on her mind, the thought of him made her ring weigh a thousand tons and she looked down at it in disgust. Yanking it from her finger she threw it across the bathroom. Her hands frantically pulled at the hair pins in her head and ripped the earings from her ear while she let out a frustrated scream.

Breathing heavily she stormed out of the bathroom and into a rock hard chest. She stumbled back slightly and was met with an oddly familiar chuckle. Looking up her hands started shaking and her breath hitched, it was Patrick.

'Aww don't be like that Scarlett, we're old friend's'

'what are you doing here Patrick?' she came to the horrible realization that they had finally caught the psycho, and she realized she didn't want to leave, she wasn't ready. She was falling for him and it was killing her. No, she wasn't going to stand by and be forced away from him.

'Leave I'm happy here' she took a step towards him and shoved his chest, her voice gaining it's confidence and coming out hard.

'oh please don't tell me you are actually stupid enough to fall for his crap!' he breathed out a laugh as he looked archer dress. She looked different, she looked good and happy. When she didn't answer he carried on talking. 'He's playing you Scarlett to get to Robert, and like a love struck puppy you're falling for it'

'no, you're lying!'

'I swear on my heart I'm not lying to you Scarlett, his men are Roberts drug dealers, he has men in the police force, men in the army, the navy, you name it! So I believe me when I tell you he has men in the law firm Robert belongs to'

Scarletts heart rate and breathing increased as she took in what he was saying, he had a point. Robert and Scarlett had been married for years, whyvwould he choose now to get a divorce and not before?

'Then let me leave' she breathed out before snapping her head up to him, 'help me out of here! Robert is your friend!'

'I can't, I'm your new guard, I would rather you stayed here than have them kill me'

Scarlett saw red and before she knew what she was doing she reached her hand up and slapped him hard across the face, before he could say or do anything she turned on her heel and slammed the bathroom door.

She reached under the toilet bowl and pulled out the shard of mirror that she had hid. If he wouldn't take her out of here she would make him.

Gripping the glass hard she brought it down on her wrist, grunting in pain she let the blood drip down for a few second before standing. She got a head rush at first and wavered slightly on her feet, but collected herself and walked into the main room. At first she was annoyed with the blood staining the cream carpet a crimson colour, but she had to get out of here.

'P-p-patrick, take me to the hospital' she fell to her knees and was about to pass out just after she heard Patrick stumble over to her and mutter a 'shit' under his breath.


*beep beep beep beep* Scarlett woke up to the sound of beeping and a groggy head ache, looking around she saw that she was in a hospital, perfect for her plan to get the fuck out of here.

'Oh good you're awake!' the nurse was chipper and dainty as she glided into the room to check her stats. 'Your husband will be so relieved, he hasn't left since you came in. You're one lucky girl, he must have a good job as well to be able to ford those expensive suits, oh he's just the sweetest!' Her rambling became annoying and Scarlett zoned out until she heard her say 'hes just at the cafeteria! I can go get him if you'd like!'

'NO- I mean why worry him, let him eat he deserves it, it'll be a nice surprise'

'The nurses face lit up at the word surprise, and started clapping her hands frantically 'ooohhh I always love a good surprise!!!'

'umm could you do me a favor and get me something to eat?' Scarlett needed to get rid of this woman, she was going to ruin everything, she was running out of time.

'Sure! There's a really nice chicken soup and warm bread rolls, how does that sound?'

'Perfect, thankyou'

The nurse ran off to get her food. As soon as she was gone Scarlett threw the blankets off and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She was a bit shaky at first,   but she managed to find her feet. The psychos jacket was flapped over the chair in the corner, she threw it on and checked the pockets, 70 bucks and car keys, 'sweet' Scarlett had never said sweet. It felt weird and new and exciting.

She ran out to the lift and pressed up. After a few second she got bored watching the floors go by and began pressing the button repeatedly 'come on come on!' After what deems like an eternity the lift finally dinged just as he heard a familiar voice call her name, she turned and saw the man running towards her juntas the door closed.

She finally allowed herself to sink to the floor and breath deeply as she felt the lift move up to the car park. She did it. She was free. Scarlett was no one's pawn, especially not in this game.

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