The wedding band

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Ohhhh yay second chapter! It's already got so many more reads than I expected! you guys are great!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter too!


Detective Harding wasn't really much to look at, he drove a beat up silver ford focus, was 6'2", and was normally described as 'you're average male'. His dark brown hair had flicks of grey in it, and his green eyes were almost always blood shot. Appearances never mattered much to him unless he was at work, however seeing as today was his day off he decided to wear his blue jeans and creased white shirt.

'This is it' he thought, as he stood in front of the pawn shop on Croydon's busy high street. The wedding band on his left hand seemed to weigh a ton as he remembered why he had decided to come here. He needed the money, he needed his fix.

The door gave a cute ring as he pushed it open and hurried inside, the man behind the counter looked at him with distaste as he cowered in front of the desk. 'Well, what do you want?' the man's gruff voice seemed to bring him back to reality.

'How m-m-much for this?' the detective had never stuttered before, but handing over his wedding ring seemed like handing over his life, if his wife knew what he was doing then he would be handing over his life. Memories of their wedding day came flooding back to him as he remembered how beautiful she looked, 'back when there was money' he thought.

'45' the pawn broker spat out after a few moments consideration and weighing the ring on the scales to his left. Finding his confidence the detective snatched the ring back from the man.

'I paid 65 for it'

'Well you ain't no jeweller, in no fancy shop, 45 is me offer so take it or leave it'. The middle aged man crossed his arms over his chest revealing tattoos on his upper arms, on stood out to the detective more than the rest. It was of a cross, nothing too fancy, but the snake coiled around it is what made it stand out. The serpents eyes seemed to follow you when you moved, and the way it's body was poised made it look ready to pounce. But it stuck out to the detective for another reason, one that made his skin crawl and blood boil with fear.

'45' the detective croaked, the words clawing at his dry throat as he swallowed uselessly. 'I'll take it'. He handed over the ring and awaited his money without another word, his eyes never leaving the tattoo.

Back in his car his fingers would drift to his left hand, it seemed empty now without his ring. But his thoughts would always be interrupted by the man and his tattoo, the same tattoo that resided on his drug dealers shoulder blade. The very same tattoo that every cop in the country knew meant bad news. That was only the second person he had seen with it, but you hear the stories go round the office of men who do anything and everything if the price was right. 'God, i'm going insane' he thought as he pulled up to the regular meeting place. All he has to do now is get the drugs and get out. Easy.

But as the three black SUV's pulled up and a new man got out, the detective knew it wasn't going to be that easy after all. The other 5 men seemed to follow the man with a hint of fear in their eyes and a layer of sweat on their foreheads, his suit gave him an aura of authority, and his smile made you believe every word he said.

'No' the detective thought, ' this is not going to be easy'.



Okay so this chapter is definitely not as good as the first, but hey they was never gonna happen!! Hopefully you don't all hate me for leaving my chapters this open at the end because its going to happen sooooo much more!!

Any way!! You guys are awesome for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Night guys, lotsa love!!!

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