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OMG!! You all must hate me! Haven't updated in 9 days!! Aww love you all still! AS exams are in just over 5 weeks!! EEK!! Anyway i hope you enjoy the chapter!! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Love as always!!


Emily was having a hard time containing her excitement, she had got the phone call when she was at work. He was finally awake! She was rushing down the busy streets to the hospital, it had taken her 2 buses to get here, and she was finally going to be with him.

When she reached the hospital she remembered every detail of it from her last visit. The old woman behind the reception desk who looked like she was judging everyone and was haunted by constant disappointment, the chipping yellowish paint that she was sure used to be white, the chairs in the waiting rooms and the sound her shoes made as she walked down the hallways.

Waiting for the lift she heard a familiar voice behind her 'Emily.'

Turning around her suspicions had been confirmed, 'hello Patrick'. A deathly silence fell over the two of them, it seemed to buzz with the electricity of unspoken words that would have to wait until they were away from death ears and blind eyes. To everyone else they were both here to visit someone, to them they were close companions that were about to settle a deal made long ago.

The lifts ding brought them both out of their trance, they stepped in and Patrick pressed the button. Luckily no one else wanted to get in the lift. 'So this is it?' Emily was the first to break the silence, her breathless voice cutting through the tension. 'He's really waking up?'

Patrick smiled, to him this was too easy. 'Of course he is Emily, would i ever lie to you like this to hurt you?'

'Well you did kill my boss, and then you tried to drown me'

'I killed him because he was blinding you, you were being held back from all these opportunities and this life that you deserve. And I knew that you wouldn't die, I told you he loved you and was going to save you. Now he's going to wake up, and the two of you will be together, like you deserve. Like you should be' Just like putty in his hands Emily's smile grew, she had been waiting for this moment for a long time. It would be a fresh start for them both, they would both live a life of love and luxury.

The lift doors opened and the pair stepped out, turning right they walked down the hall to the busiest room. There were nurses running in and out, and a doctor standing by the bed talking to the detective. Emily had to hold herself back from running in there and jumping on him. She had waited for him to wake up for so long now, she was tired of waiting for him. Patrick stood back slightly, watching his work unfold.

As Emily stood there, in the doorway peeping in, he knew everything was about to fall into place. He knew it was all going to work. She stood there with shining eyes that looked like they were about to brim over with tears, her lips were slightly parted letting her deep breaths escape- her chest rising and falling with each one. She held onto the door frame with her right hand, as if she was scared of falling, her knees were weak. She had work her dark jeans and knee high boots, with her deep purple blouse and leather jacket.

The doctor held a flash light in his hand and was checking Hardings reflexes and responses. 'Well you seem to have made a miraculous recovery. I'm impressed Mr. Harding, we thought you wouldn't wake up for at least another month. Of course we'll have to keep you in for testing and making sure that you'll be safe when we discharge you'

'Of course, I understand' he voice came out hoarse, and sounded distant. Despite the fact that he was finally awake he still felt lonely, like there was no one there for him, no one to support him. He knew that already from the moment he opened his eyes, he had stared up at the white ceiling, his eyes blinking a few times to adjust from the harsh lighting.

'Robert?' Emily's voice was just audible over the sounds of the fussing from the doctors and nurses and the sounds of the equipment, however the moment his name left her lips everything seemed to come to a stand still. A single tear had escaped Emily,and it slid down her cheek. It was the only thing in the room that dared to move, like it was breaking the rules and the protocol of the situation.

'Who are you?'


Scarlett woke up to the smell of bacon, it was strong and she could hear the sizzling that accompanied it. She rolled over to face the window, allowing her face to bathe in the sunlight seeping through the crack in the curtains. After a few minutes of enjoying the peace she threw back the covers of the bed and made her way into the bathroom. She avoided the mirrors like she does every morning now, and carried on with her morning routine. She then made her way down the stairs into the kitchen of the apartment.

The man had been standing there in his jeans, bare feet and no top cooking her breakfast. Without turning around he knew she was standing there, he could feel her presence when she walked into the room, it engulfed him and made him smile for no reason. 'Well, the plan was to bring it up to bed for you, but now you're awake you can get out some juice'

'Damn! How did you know I was there?!'

The man chuckled, 'I told you baby, you can't sneak up on me' He turned around to face her with his arms crossed over his chest. She stood there, trying not to let her smile show and ruin her pretend hurt face. She was wearing a two sizes too big guns and roses t-shirt, and looked like she was going to burst out laughing any minute now.

'Well come on then, juice' That was it, they both started laughing at their regular morning routine, as Scarlett made her way over to the fridge and pulled out the jug of orange juice, and two glasses from the cupboard above the sink.

Her mind flashed back to her dream last night, it seemed so real, all of the smells and the way it was all so familiar. Almost like a memory. It frightened her. It was her wedding day, she was wearing the perfect gown and about to enter the church to walk down the aisle. 'You look beautiful dear' Her dad held out his arm for her as the music started playing. She got slight goose bumps on her arms and shoulders, but thankful you couldn't see them because of the veil. Her floor length dress clung to her body, and was a white lace, with a few gems here and there. It fanned out a little at the end, and a train followed her graceful footsteps.

When she entered the church everything was perfect. Everyone rose and looked at her, her family looked joyful and cheery, but she didn't recognise anyone from the grooms side. And that worried her. Then she looked at the groom, her heart fluttering in her chest. However when he turned to look at her, he was a stranger, he wasn't the man in the kitchen with her now. He was different, but so familiar.

'Baby? Are you okay?' His soothing and familiar voice pulled her out of her day dream.

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I was just trying to remember where I left phone' She gave him a slightly smile and a peck on the lips, shaking away the thoughts of the memory, or dream. She couldn't even tell any more. 'Now, how about that breakfast huh?'



Okay i've decided! There will only be one more chapter!! I'm actually so upset right now!!! I never thought it would be possible to get this far!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment, or inbox me if you prefer that!

I love you guys!! Stay awesome!!!!

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