Want to play a game?

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WOW 700 reads!!! This is actually amazing!! You guys are the best!! Especially those of you who read every chapter!! Once the book is finished i will go through and correct everything, so thank you for bearing with me! Hope you enjoy this chapter it's a bit more dark, and we get to see what its really like inside the mind of our serial killer Patrick!!


Patrick sat in the chair by the fire place. The cabin was cosy enough, plush red velvet sofas, and two over the top arm chairs that were leather, and adorned with a strange golden antler type decoration. The glass coffee table, that used to sit in the middle of the room, was now over at the far side of the room. He didn't want to break it earlier. The walls, of course, were a deep brown, It was a log cabin after all. The front room was separated from the kitchen by a marble top breakfast bar. The kitchen was plain, everything in it was either white or brown, the cupboards were a light mahogany, sanded and varnished to completely the effect of the room.

Earlier Patrick and Scarlett had a little heart to heart as he liked to call it. He did try to convince her that her 'husband' wasn't really who she thought he was, but she was adamant.Even refused to tell him anything about herself. In the end he had to use other means of persuasion. Looking over at the middle of the room with the blood stained carpet he was reminded of her screams, as well as her please and begs for him to stop. It wasn't until he threatened to cut off her fingers one at a time that she finally told him what he wanted to know.

Patrick had been twiddling the phone in his hand for the last half hour. He wasn't stupid, he had worked for the police before, he disposed of his Iphone and got a disposable pay as you go, so that he couldn't be tracked by his ex partner Harding. He dialled Pagen's number and waited. After three rings his desperate voice flowed through the receiver. 'Hello?'

Patrick chuckled to himself slightly before speaking, 'A bit eager, aren't we?'

'Where is she?'

'Uh-uh-uh, I want to speak with her husband'

'I am her husband you bastard, and so help me i will have your head for this!'

'How mid evil of you, but no, you're not her husband. Not legally anyway. Give the phone to Harding, i know he's there'

After a few moments of nothing but Pagen breathing down the line, there was finally some shuffling as the phone was passed over. Reluctantly Harding's voice came through, 'where is she Patrick?'

'She's... sleeping'

'I swear to god if you've-' Patrick didn't have time for threats, he had a game to play. He wanted Harding out in the open, he was his prize after all.

'She is fine. Now, lets begin shall we?'

'Begin what?'

Patrick could almost laugh at how confused and pathetic he sounded, it seemed strange to him that he didn't already know what Patrick had planned. 'Well i'm not exactly going to give her back to you am i?'

after a few deep breaths Harding spoke again, his voice was strained and fragile. 'Fine, let's begin'


Harding walked across the gyms hard wood floor. The high school had been closed for hours, however, when he arrived the gate had been busted open and the school was lit up like Christmas morning. This had to be some kind of joke, no one was hear. What if he was too late?

'The place where your love was fist kindled' Patrick had said. Surely that was the place that they met. Looking at the seats his mind wandered back to their first meeting. Scalett's school had a rival volley ball team that she was captain of, It was a head to head game, and his girl friend at the time was captain of his school team. He couldn't take his eves off Scarlett. Her waist length hair was tied up in a high ponytail, her bangs pinned back with a bobby pin at the top of her head. At the end of the game she glanced at him quickly and smiled before she was rushed by the rest of her team to celebrate their victory. His girl friend had stormed over to him, of course she noticed that he had been staring at this girl the whole time. He laughed at the memory, it all seemed so important at the time, to have a girlfriend. He never thought that he would marry 'the enemy' as everyone else had called her.

Sitting there he suddenly became aware that the school was eerily quiet, the laughing and shouting he had imagined moments ago were just memories. They had died a long time ago. Everyone had changed since then. Even he had. The foot steps approaching had made him sit upright.

Patrick approached from the other side of the room, the same way he had entered moments ago. 'Funny isn't it' Patrick was looking around the gym while continuing to walk towards him. 'All of those lost memories, we had been so young then, so naive.' Harding didn't say anything, there was so many questions he wanted to ask, like where was his wife, why was he doing this. But most importantly; What had happened to his dearest and oldest friend? Patrick stood in the awkward silence for a few seconds pursing his lips, he suddenly jumped forwards onto his other foot with his fore finger on his right hand raised as if he had just discovered electricity. 'Was that where we were sitting? The day you met her?' As he said the word 'her' he pointed over towards the door where Scarlett was being thrust into the room from the side door. Her hands were bound and there was a gag over her mouth, Her left eye was swollen and cut, her long blonde hair had been cut short and was matted with lode. Her clothes were ripped to pieces, and Harding guessed she had been whipped by the dried blood underneath.

Harding rose to his feet and went to run to her, but he was cut short by the sound of the gun clicking. He slowly turned, his breathing heavy, his fists clenched, and his blood pumping through his body. Patrick was smirking at him, the gun raised towards Scarlett who was nearly passed out on the floor, his eyes were shining and triumphant. He rolled his shoulders back. 'Robert, do you remember when we were 15 and obsessed with the saw movies?' He laughed slightly 'every time one came out we would be first in line to see them'. He shook his head slightly at the memory. 'Great times'

'What is it you want?' Harding's voice came out sad and defeated, he had lost his best friend, he had almost lost his wife, he couldn't lose her again.

'I want to play a game'

clicking his fingers Harding's attention was drawn to the other side door, the one that led into the hallway. A giant tank was being brought in through the double doors, the glass was thick and the tank was filled with water. A second woman was brought in bound by her hands and feet, being carried by two men, they struggled to keep her up from all her kicking and thrashing about. She was unable to scream by the gag around her mouth.

'These are the rules; you can chose one and only one to save. Number two; If you chose Scarlett this innocent girl dies. Number three; if you chose the girl i break Scarlett's left leg, or her right i haven't decided yet. And number four; If you try to break these rules, i will kill both girls'

Patrick nodded at the two men, just as soon as he did they threw her over the top of the tank, submerging her into the water. 'You have approximately three minutes' as he said this he pulled out a hammer and went to stand by Scarlett. Her eyes were wide and wild, she was trying to scream at him and kept glancing over at the young girls whose thrashing against the ropes was slowly coming to an end.

'About one minute left detective'

Despite every fibre in his body screaming at him, he turned and ran towards the tank. Just as he made his decision Patrick rose the hammer over his head, before bringing it down sharply on Scarlett's leg. Her screams of agony muffled by the gag still brought Harding to a stop to look at her. Regret etched across his face as he went to go back for her. 'Remember the rules detective!'

Turning back he ran over to the tank. There was no way for him to get in and the girl was now sinking to the bottom. Pulling put his gun he shot at the glass, once, twice, three times. The crack was getting bigger, just once more now! After the fourth shot the tank came crashing down, the girl falling to the gym floor trying to cough, surrounded by the glass and water from the tank. Harding ran forward and removed the gag, allowing her to suck in deep breaths and let out heavy sobs as she clung onto the detective for dear life.

As he turned around he noticed that Patrick had left, the only remains that showed he had been there was the hammer, and the blood soaked floor, a note had been left on the side door where they had left.

'Good game,

Can't wait for the next time.'

'Patrick crumpled up the note, his body numb, his head was throbbing, his eyes were hard and his jaw set. The next time, he won't be leaving empty handed.


ooh i do love a saw movie! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for all your support! Don't forget to read, comment, and vote!! Means a lot!!

Thank you guys so much!!!

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