Chapter 9

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It was obvious Lyria didn't like Camilla. Of course, no one did. But Lyria seemed to hate her with a passion. Every time Camilla entered the same room as her, she scowled and walked out. It seemed the feeling was mutual.

Currently, Lyria was in the House of Wind library, reading a book. The sunlight streaming through the window made her silver hair sparkle. She had a look of- I shook my head. What was I thinking? I always seemed to stare at her whenever I saw her. It was ridiculous.

A door opened, and a sickenly sweet voice said, "There you are, Cal! I've been looking all over for you!"

A glare from Lyria confirmed my suspicions. Camilla had found me. I may or may not have been hiding from her. She didn't seem like the type to go to a library. 

I sighed and turned to look at her. "Hey, Camilla. What do you need?"

She giggled, and it took all my self-control not to roll my eyes. Lyria, it seemed, had no such qualms. "Would you be willing to show me around your home? The House of Wind is beautiful, but I want to see where you normally live."

Lyria stared at me, waiting for an answer. She slept at the river house, along with most of my family. My mom, dad, Aunt Mor, and I were currently staying at the House of Wind with Camilla. I could tell Lyria didn't want me to show Camilla. For some reason, I listened.

"Uh, maybe some other time," I said. "It's having some renovations done right now."

Lyria visibly relaxed, and I shot her a questioning look. She jerked her head to the door and walked out. 

"Excuse me," I said to Camilla and followed Lyria out. I found her at the end of the hallway. "What?" I asked her.

She frowned in the direction of the library. "I don't trust her."

"Well, obviously. None of us do."

"It's not just that. I don't think you should let her into the river estate. She could be trying to get the layout and sneak back in. Try to get information to give back to her father."

I shook my head. "I think that's a little far-fetched. They're trying to make amends and bridge the gap between our courts. I don't think she'd do that."

"But she might on her father's orders."

"Don't worry. We always have eyes on her."

She didn't seem satisfied. "Does she have shapeshifting powers?"

I stared. How could I have never thought that? It wouldn't be a surprise.

Lyria smirked. "I'm guessing you never thought to ask."

"I'm sure my parents have it covered."

"Still, I'm going to keep a closer eye on her."

I shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat. Just try not to make her mad. Or ruin any chances of making amends with them."

She turned and started walking away. Over her shoulder, she said, "If I'm right, there won't be anything to ruin.


I wasn't surprised when Cal rejected my thoughts. He was smart but wanted to see the best in people. I, however, always expected the worst. Being a pessimist had its highlights. You're always either right or pleasantly surprised.

I looked around the House of Wind for Camilla. I meant what I told Cal. I would follow her to keep everyone here safe. Since when did I care about them? Sure, they were giving me a place to stay and were helping me find a way home. But that was all. A flash of Camilla's golden hair snapped me out of my thoughts. A barrier of air masked my already-silent footsteps.

Camilla stopped at an empty balcony. She cast a suspicious look around and disappeared. I gaped at the place where she used to be. There had been a brief flash of light, and a white-and-gold barn owl stood in her place. The owl flapped its wings and took off. I cursed and ran to the balcony. The owl was flying down to Velaris. My own wings appeared, and I jumped. 

I followed at a distance and saw as Camilla landed by Cal's house. I watched as she knocked and was let in. Who opened the door for her? And what lie did she tell? I scowled at Cal and Camilla both. Cal, because he didn't believe me. And Camilla because she was a sneaky, lying, piece-of-shit person.

I entered the house as Camilla turned down a hallway. Whoever let her in was nowhere to be seen. Creeping after her, I watched as she slowly opened a door. 

"What in Wyrd's name is she doing?" I murmured to myself. Of course, I already knew. She was getting information to pass to her father. 

I opened the door she had gone through and realized it was an office of sorts. Wall to ceiling windows showed a beautiful garden with plants and flowers in full bloom. A babbling creek ran through and ended in a small pond. The desk was full of papers in neat stacks. Everything seemed to be in order except for one thing: Camilla was nowhere to be seen.

I realized my mistake too late as cool metal touched my neck. Stiffening, I started to turn. A low laugh sounded. 

"Fancy seeing you hear Lyria," said Camilla.  "I suggest you don't move. Unless you want me to spill your throat all over this beautiful rug."

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