Chapter 5

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Feyre led everyone down the hall and into a grand dining room. Steaming food was already prepared and laid out on the table. I lingered by the doorway as everyone sat down. Another fae female with golden-brown hair and warm brown eyes is already there. She looks like Feyre, and the female Cassian came in with. They're probably sisters.

Feyre notices my hesitation. "You can sit here. Please don't feel uncomfortable or excluded. We need to work together so you can get back home."

I sit down in the seat to Feyre's right. To my surprise-and, displeasure-Callum is seated across from me. I scoop food from different platters onto my plate, trying to distract myself from staring at his face. I don't know why I feel a pull towards him. And I hate not knowing things.

"So, Lyria. Tell us about yourself," says Rhysand.

I look up from my food, which is terrific. "Well, I'm the crown princess of Terrasen. I have a younger brother named Sam. My parents are the king and queen. I have an Uncle Dorian and Aunt Manon. He is the King of Adarlan, and she is the Queen of the Witches. My Aunt Elide and her husband Lorcan are the Lady and Lord of Perranth. That's a large city in Terrasen. Uncle Chaol is the Hand to the King. Aunt Yrene is his wife, and they have a son who is my cousin Theron. None of them are actually related. They're just friends of my parents. Uncle Aedion is my mom's cousin. He is married to Aunt Lysandra, who is the Lady of Carravere."

As I say all of this, I feel something weird. Almost like something or someone is tapping against my brain. I look around and see that Rhysand, Feyre, and Callum all seem slightly unfocused. I scowl and throw up a mental wall of fire. They all flinch and seem to come back to reality. 

I put on a fake smile and ask, "So, do any of you have any special powers? I know Feyre can shapeshift. But that's about it."

Feyre says, "I have many different powers. A little bit from every court. Rhys and Cal have immense power as well. We are all known as Daemati, meaning we can read and manipulate people's minds. But we don't do that unless we have to."

I nod, then ask with narrowed eyes, "Is that what all three of you just did? Try to read my mind? I knew Callum here could do it. He tried when we first met."

They all looked surprised. "Yes, I felt you. And yes, I kicked you out. Nobody is going to be in my head unless I allow them."

"I'm sorry for the intrusion of privacy, but we need to make sure you aren't lying." Feyre gave me an apologetic look.

"Why would I lie about that. It doesn't do me much good. Besides, you don't know who they are." I scoff.

The male, Cassian, cuts through the tension and asks, "Do you have powers? I mean, besides your cool wings."

I smirk. "As a matter of fact, I do."


Lyria holds up a hand, and a ball of fire appears. No wonder her mental walls felt like they were burning me alive. She flicks her wrist, and the flame turns to ice. Then a gust of wind blows open the windows and ruffles our hair. "I inherited my parent's abilities," she says.

I can't help but be curious. She must be a good fighter. I wonder what it'd be like to face her in a fight. Uncle Cass must have the same idea. "Can you fight? Your suit looks pretty cool."

She smirked. Was that all she could do? Besides glaring or scowling at me. "Can I fight? Of course, I can. Being badass is my top trait."

I recognized the look on Uncle Cassian's face. He was ready for a fight. And he wanted one from her. He started to ask her if she wanted to fight, but I cut him off. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

Lyria scowled at me. Again. "Please, I can take care of myself. Besides, I think this would be a pretty fair fight. Just give me a time and date."

"How about right now?" He asked.

She nodded. "Sure. But can I have my long daggers back?"

I frowned as everyone started to get up. Even Aunt Nesta didn't seem to mind what was about to happen. Lyria was going to get pummeled. She didn't know how well of a warrior Uncle Cass was. Dad saw my frown and went over to me. "I know you're probably concerned for her, but don't worry. I think she knows what she's getting into. Don't worry."

"Fine," I grumbled.

We went outside to the training yard. There was an array of weapons. Feyre handed Lyria the ones we found in her suit. She smiled when she got them and practiced a few swings. She then headed to a sparring ring. Uncle Cass soon joined her.

"Ready?" he asked.


Thank you for reading! I know it might be a little slow. I'll try to speed things up a bit after the next chapter. Be sure to vote and comment!

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