Chapter 8

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Camilla was a bitch. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that. Or maybe I'm just shocked that someone can reach that level of stupid and conceited. Rhys and Feyre let me come with everyone to greet her. Now, I kind of wish they told me to stay behind. We winnowed to a clearing that was supposedly at the border of the Night Court. We were right on time but had to wait for another 15 minutes before that witch showed up. Then, she had the audacity to tell us that we were early.

Camilla had winnowed with 4 guards to protect her. Apparently, in case the "Night Court brutes" decided to take her hostage. Or something like that. She had lots of luggage because she refused to wear the Night Court attire Amren and I was in.

"A pity," Mor had said. "I had a lovely dress that would have matched her spring green eyes."

We then winnowed to the House of Wind. Everyone except Rhys, Feyre, Cal, and Mor would be staying at the River Estate for the time being. I was allowed to stay at the river estate as well if I wanted to. But I figured I'd make Camilla's life hell. After all, that was what she was doing to Feyre. And in turn, doing to Rhys. I hadn't known them long, but I wasn't about to let anyone mess with them like she was.

I was lounging on a terrace at the top of the House of Wind when someone winnowed beside me. Opening one eye, I squinted against the bright sun. The light made her already golden blond hair glow even more. I scowled, then asked, "What do you want, Camilla?"

"Oh, Lyria. I didn't realize anyone was up here. This is where I come whenever I'm homesick. The fresh air helps me breathe."

"Bullshit," I mumbled under my breath.

Her hands fluttered around her head, fixing her hair and checking her makeup. "I'm sorry, is there a fly buzzing around your head?" I questioned.

For a second, her mask slipped. I could see exactly how angry I made her. I laid back down with a satisfied smile. With an infuriating laugh, she said, "Of course not, silly. Why would you think that?"

I shrugged. "No reason."

She turned to leave, then said, "In case you wonder where I'll be, Cal and I will be headed into Velaris. You can join us if you like."

I wish Rhys could look into her head and smush her brain. If she even had one. But the Inner Circle agreed to not use their powers on her without her consent. Not that she would let them. But good thing I wasn't part of that agreement.

I swung my legs off the chair I was in and stretched. It was really nice, with a wooden frame and squishy cushions. I remember when I sat in one of the chairs on the townhouse roof. It was iron, which apparently doesn't affect the fae here. Lucky. I had sat down, then jumped back up while shouting every curse word I knew. Cassian, Azriel, Callum, and Mor had stared at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I had asked. 

"What happened," Cassian questioned. "Did the chair bite you?"

"It's iron! Iron hurts fae! Why do y'all have it here?"

Mor shrugged. "It doesn't affect us. Must be a problem in your world." Then she went back to reading.

I shook off that memory. It was not one I wanted to relive. Opening my wings, I flew down the mountain and onto the townhouse roof. I landed and glared at the infernal iron chair. When I walked outside, I started looking for Cal and Camilla. The chocolate shop wasn't too far away, so that's where I headed. I reached it and was about to open the door when I saw them. They were inside. Cal's arms were loaded with sweets, and Camilla kissed his cheek. I scowled. That bitch didn't know that- wait, what? 

I shook myself. "Get it together, Lyria. You don't care about Cal. It doesn't matter." I pasted on a smirk and opened the door. "Well, well, well. What a surprise! Cal, Camilla. Oh, and Castilla. Now I feel left out. My name doesn't start with a C."

I walked around, browsing the assortment of chocolates. Castilla gave me a bag, and I started putting in as many as I could. "Eating all that chocolate won't be good for your complexion," Camilla told me.

I smirked at her. "Unlike some people, I don't get acne."

"Whatever you want. I'm just warning you. Cal, come on! Let's go to that art place you mentioned."

"The Rainbow?" I asked her.

"Yes, thank you. I forgot its name."

"Don't leave just yet! I'll take you up on that offer, Camilla."

I paid Castilla even though she protested and linked my arms through Cal and Camilla's. We walked outside and headed to the Rainbow. I thought I was bad, but Camilla was way worse. She stopped every few feet to look at shops and the different faeries roaming around. 

"Do the faeries have to pay for citizenship?" asked Camilla.

Cal frowned. "Of course not! They are here because they want to. We don't make them do anything. Sure, there are some things they must pay for, but that's to help the economy keep running."

Camilla started to wrinkle her nose in disgust, then caught herself. We finally reached the Rainbow, and Cal seemed to relax a little. Camilla asked, "Is there a place you can get a picture of yourself done?"

I rolled my eyes. Of course, she wants a self-portrait. Cal and I shared a look. He took her arm and said, "This way." She squealed and obliged.

Camilla was the devil, and I was stuck in hell.

Thank you for reading! Sorry, it was kind of boring. It was just a time filler. I didn't know what else to put. You saw a bit of Camilla and her personality. Please be sure to vote and comment!

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