Chapter 11

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Rhys called for a family meeting, which made me feel awkward because I wasn't family. Lucky for me, I was tasked with guarding Camilla when she woke up. The Inner Circle arrived in the living room quickly. 

Apparently, Cal was the only one of the Inner Circle's kids to attend these meetings. This was because he would become High Lord of the Night Court one day. And he was obligated to spend time with Camilla so he would know the most about her comings and goings.

When Amren walked in and saw Camilla, she said, "I'm surprised that bitch didn't make a move sooner." She walked up to Camilla and snapped in her face. "Wake up, girl. Don't keep us waiting."

Camilla awoke with a start. "Wha- what- What happened? Where am I? Hey! Get out of my face."

I sighed and walked over to guard Camilla. My job was starting sooner than I thought. I leaned against the arm of the chair she was sitting in. "What happened? You snuck into Rhysand's office to steal information. I followed you, we fought, and I won. Now we're all here. So tell us what's really going on, would ya?"

Everyone was staring at her. Rhys, Feyre, Mor, Azriel, Cassian, Nesta, and Cal. I frowned. Elain wasn't here. I caught Feyre's gaze and started to open my mouth. She shook her head and mouthed later. 

Camilla was looking around with wide eyes. Then they started filling with tears. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed. "I- I- I didn't want to. I just wanted to become friends. That's why I agreed to come! Bu- but my father insisted. He wanted information and said if I got it for him, he'd be proud of me! Please, I didn't mean to cause any harm."

"Bullshit," I muttered. The others seemed inclined to agree.

"P- p- please believe me. I truly love being here. It m- makes me happy. I don't want to go back. I know I made a mistake. Please! Just give me a second chance!"

Damn, that girl was a great actress. A second chance? No way. If they agreed-

"C'mon, dad. Don't you think we could talk about it?" Cal said that. I scowled at him. How thick-headed could he get? I could see he didn't fully believe Camilla. But he was willing to give her a second chance. I respected him for that but also thought it made him naive. That was one of the biggest differences between us. He was willing to see past people's mistakes. I wasn't.

Rhys and Feyre looked at each other. They seemed to be communicating silently. I've seen them do that a lot but thought it would be a bit rude to ask. My parents did something like that as well. 

"They can speak through the mating bond," said a voice next to my ear. I turned to see Mor standing behind me. "It's an easy way to speak if they don't want anyone else to hear important stuff."

Feyre's voice made us turn back to them. "I suppose we can discuss it." A wall of hard wind went up around Camilla, and she was surrounded by darkness. "This way, she can't see or hear us. What is everyone's opinion on this matter?"

Amren was the first to say, "I don't like her. I say we send her back to the Spring Court and be done with it."

Rhys sighed. "It's not that easy. We have to see what information she already has. Then negotiate a whole new contract because she broke the first one."

Cal cut in. "But what if she didn't mean to? I mean, I know I shouldn't believe everything she says. But we could give her the benefit of the doubt."

I snorted. Everyone turned to look at me. "What?" I asked.

Rhys looked amused. "Is there anything you would like to say, Lyria?"

"I think that Camilla should not be trusted. I don't know what information she could potentially get her hands on, but I bet it's not good. Personally, I would send her back home and not have to deal with her again. Because I'm not from here, my word probably doesn't mean much. But still, that's my opinion."

"Thank you for your input," said Rhys. 

I smiled. "Anytime."

Everyone else voiced their opinions. Then there was a lot of back and forth about whether to let Camilla stay and get a second chance. In the end, Rhys said, "Against our better judgment, Feyre and I think it might be worth a shot letting Camilla stay. We will keep a closer eye on her, just in case."

I scowled. Of course, they would let her stay. Back home, she would be put on trial and probably executed. Thinking of home sent a pang through my chest. I missed Terrasen. The beautiful Staghorn mountains and the magic of Oakwald forest. Velaris was beautiful, but Terrasen was my home.

Camilla came into view. Her tears had dried up, and she was waiting patiently for our decision. When she heard it, her eyes lit up, and she cried tears of joy. Honestly, how far was she willing to go? Next, she would probably bow down and kiss all of our feet.

I shook my head and got up to walk out of the room. I knew someone had followed me out but was surprised to see Cal. I glared at him. "What do you want?"

He ran his hand nervously through his hair. "I know you probably aren't happy with what we decided-" I scoffed at that "-and I was wondering why you don't like Camilla."

I stared at him. Was he seriously asking me that? I took a deep breath. "Look, Cal. I appreciate you trying to understand me, but I don't need or want to explain myself to you."

"If you can give me one reason, then I'll let you go."

"You let me go? I don't need your permission for anything. Thank you very much."

"If you don't give me a reason, then I'll just have to assume you're jealous." He smirked.

"Excuse me? Me, jealous of Camilla?" I laughed. "You really are crazy. But if you really want a reason why I hate her, I'll give you one. She's so fake. Everything she does is either an act or greatly exaggerated. It's so annoying. I'd rather her be herself than whatever she's pretending to be right now. I'm sure she's still a bitch, but still. Better brutal honesty than sickly-sweet lies."

Cal seemed to ponder that. Then he shrugged. "Ok. That makes sense."

I rolled my eyes and turned away. "See you around, Cal."

As I walked away, I wondered if maybe what he said was true. The more I thought about it, the more I realized there weren't many specific reasons why I didn't like Camilla. She just always seemed to be around Cal. Hanging off his arm or seeking him out. I wanted to tell her to leave him alone. He would go to whoever he wished to be with. And last I checked, he sought me out more than he did her.


Later that night, I realized something. I never told them someone had let Camilla inside the house. Maybe that was part of the elaborate scheme to catch her in the act. But I don't think so. I think that there might be a mole in their midst.

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