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NOTHING COULD HAVE PREPARED EMMY for the look on Luke's face when he appeared in the middle of the studio to see her hunched over some sheet music and instructing Alex to play a specific rhythm. He thought he may have gotten whiplash from the sheer nostalgia of seeing her tap her foot and lazily hum a harmony.

"Luke!" Reggie cheers, bass hanging from his neck. "Em's here to help us write a song."

"Yeah, but we're shit with lyrics," Alex admits.

Luke nods along, eyes accidentally casting towards her with every other blink. "Um, Ray's cooking that thing you like to watch Reggie," Luke says, pointing in the direction of the house.

"Alex you have to come see what I've been talking about! This man has talent!" He blips away, the blonde rolling his eyes and following. Neither of the two realized what they did.

Now, both Luke and Emmy stand still, eyes meeting in a storm of tension, but most of all sorrow. "Em-"

"So, I have this piano intro that I think Julie could start with. She can start on the stage alone and then you guys can show up when the music starts to pick up, which will start with Alex increasing the tempo," Emmy rambles. She begins to shuffle around the sheets of music and snippets of lyrics written messily in corners. "I also think that this bass line underneath it all-"

"Emmy," Luke states a bit bolder. Her mouth closes quickly, head snapping towards him. "Are we gonna pretend like everything's okay between us?"

"No." She stands a bit straighter. "I'm not here to fix things with you. What's done is done. I know how you feel."

"Do you?"

Emmy nods curtly. "I know enough." He opens his mouth to speak, but she quickly says, "I'm just here to write music for you guys. I don't want to argue, or yell, or cry so can we just...can you just help me with a second verse?"

"We have a gig tonight," Luke says. "Do you think we can write a good enough song by tonight?"

Emmy smiles in relief, patting the spot next to her. "Do you doubt me, Luke?" He flashes her a grin, immediately running over, eyes taking in all that they can. The lyrics, the music, and the girl behind it all.


"Thanks for coming with me," Emmy says.

Dawn ruffles her purple hair lovingly, causing her to squirm at the touch and swat the hand away. "I'm excited to see what lyrics you pulled out of your ass," the girl with dark brown skin tells Em. They see Julie walk in with her best friend, a lifer named Flynn. Not long after, the boys blip in. Luke's eyes find Emmy instantly. He could pick her out of any crowd, no matter how large.

STARDUST ⭑ LUKE PATTERSONWhere stories live. Discover now