some closing remarks

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WELL THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, the end of an era :')

i would like to thank you all endlessly for the support you've shown through comments, votes, and reads. i am always so happy to share my writing with a new community and i hope this story inspires at least one of u to put ur maladaptive daydreaming to words hehe

speaking of inspiration, i hope this book taught you guys a lot

emmy emmy emmy <3 my absolute baby emmy, i would like to thank her because as i was writing her she has taught me to not be afraid to show love

there will always be someone who will love every single speckle of stardust in you, no matter how damaged or irreparable

just because you are broken does not mean you cannot be loved

i love love love love love you guys <3

stardust is officially over and out :)

STARDUST ⭑ LUKE PATTERSONWhere stories live. Discover now