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HER FINGERS DANCE OVER THE BLACK STAGE, the surface cold. From behind her, she hears the muffled conversation of her friends, but she isn't listening.

Emmy takes a step back. She breathes in deeply and stares at the stage as a whole. She could still see it. Alex in the back with his drums, and even Bobby hopping around with his electric guitar.

Sunset Curve were going to be rockstars.

They were supposed to be legends, not tragedies.

"Being here gives me the creeps," Reggie mutters. He's sitting in the audience, arms crossed over his chest.

Emmy nods in agreement. She looks over to the set of double doors, remembering how heavy they felt to push when she was running out.

"It looks the same, but it feels different," Alex says.

"How're we gonna book this gig for you guys?" she wonders aloud.

"We'll figure it out," Luke proclaims. He says it convincingly enough to make even himself believe it.

Alex twirls his drumstick in his hand. "When we're...done," all of them wince, "do you think we'll go back to that dark room?" he asks.

Reggies shakes his head. "I think we're never seeing each other again."


"C'mon guys," Luke groans. "Don't think like that. We're gonna book the Orpheum, and we're gonna cross over."

"Without Emmy," Alex adds.

"Or Julie," she chimes.

"Or Ray," Reggie sighs, thinking of Julie's dad.

Luke throws himself down onto a chair, face resting in his hands. He exhales loudly, muttering things under his breath that none of them could understand.

"Why don't you cross over with us?" Alex voices suddenly. All three boys look to Emmy who was sitting on the stage. Her mouth immediately drops and she shakes her head quickly.

"I can't," she says.

"Why not?"

"I don't know what I have to do." There were a lot of things in life she needed to fix, but how could she when she's dead.

"Well, what happened right before you died?" Reggie questions.

Luke and Emmy look at each other briefly, both breaking eye contact as soon as they felt that familiar pain in their chests. For Luke, it was worse than any shock from Caleb's stamp.

"A lot of things," she mumbles. "It was just an overall bad day. It started bad, and ended worse."

"How did it start?" Emmy was surprised to hear Luke ask. Things had been awkward again, ever since she found out that he had an inevitable end. It was like watching a forest fire spread, and not being able to do anything about it.

"I don't want to talk about it," she grumbles. She hops off the stage and starts to head towards the exit.

They all watch her leave, but one was sick of seeing her go.


heyyyoooo these next few chapters will be revolving around emmys family life and then luke's so u get more of her backstory but also a lot of luke and emmy hehehe
i also feel like luke and emmy need a name but lemmy sounds gross like ok lemongrab from adventure 😀

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