Chapter Six Point Five: A Friend To Talk To

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You stand in the kitchen, Chie still perched upon your shoulder. The moonlight cascades through the window in front of you, illuminating your workspace, despite the late hour.

You stir your simmering pot of soup as you scan through the returned letter. This is the fifth time you've read it. And just like the last four, when you reach the end, you let out a deflated sigh.

(Y/fn): "Kiĺesh...This is not good." You retrieve a porcelain bowl from one of the top cupboards, remove the cooking pot from the fire, blow out the flames and pour.

As the liquid churns and settles in the bowl, a stray droplet splashes over the side and onto your cheek. Despite the heat, you barely pay it any mind, and wipe it off with one swift motion of your thumb.

With everything prepared, you take the bowl and sit at the table. The steam flicks and floats into the air, and into your nostrils, with the grace of a dancer.

You take your spoon...And you just sit there. Unmoving. The kitchen is dead silent, except for the occasional chirp from Chie, who seems to be the only thing in the world that dares disturb you.

Just then, you feel a great pressure well up inside you. Slowly, your hands ball into fists. Your breaths become heavier, almost like growls. Your arms begin to shake. Until, finally, you explode.


"KIĹESH!!!..." With all the force you can muster, you bring your fists down on the tabletop, cracking it slightly. Chie flaps her wings desperately, almost crashing as she tries to perch on the edge of the sink, recoiling from you in terror when she finally does. You rip the letter off of the table and tear it into pieces, before throwing the remains to the floor.

With your tantrum over, you finally notice the splashes of spilled soup that now lie around the bowl. And a few that stain your sleeves and shirt.

With a frustrated and long winded sigh, you press your index finger and thumb against your temples and slide down your hard, wooden chair.

As you massage your aching head, you turn to where Chie landed. Her head is hung low, her bright head plumage drooping to the sides of her face (a submissive position amongst Chie's species).

Suddenly remembering yourself, you hold your arm out to her in a peaceful gesture. Realising your anger has subsided, she happily jumps on and shimmies up to your shoulder. You don't even have to give her a command. "Sorry, old girl. I'm just..."

You stop yourself short when Chie's head whips to the kitchen door. You follow her gaze and see Sheele standing in the doorway, clutching two books close to her chest.

Surprised by her seeming lack of presence, you clumsily shoot to your feet. "I...Uh...Apologies for showing such a disgraceful sight in front of a lady! Please, forgive me! I'll clean up this mess and then be on my way!" You mentally slap yourself. Shocked by how quickly you reverted to the ways you used to suck up to Aria and her parents.

Sheele: "Oh...That's okay. I'll help you."

(Y/fn): "That's not necessary."

Sheele: "Please. I insist." Before you can protest further, Sheele ambles through the door, places her books on a nearby counter and gets to work picking up the pieces of torn up paper, whilst you scrub down the table.

As you methodically work through the mess, Sheele picks up two pieces of letter and brings them closer together, her eyes tracing the shape of the rolling scripture. "This letter didn't contain good news, I'll take it?" She inquires.

(Y/fn): "No." You bluntly respond.

Sheele: "What did it say?" You wipe the final drop of soup from the table and retake your seat, the edge of your lips pulling up as you do.

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