Chapter One: First Hand

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You're sat in a hard wooden chair, a large crowd staring at you intently. Your legs are crossed, and your face is unreadable, as you tell the dealer to "hit" you once more.

But it isn't your risky bet that holds the audience's attention. It isn't the fact that the best gamblers in this establishment are being crushed by a nineteen year old boy. It isn't even the abnormally large stacks of gold coins stacked in front of you, which used to belong to your opponents...It's the card that you're spinning around your fingers. Its hypnotic motion leaving most unable to look away.

But you know something that they don't...The card isn't even touching your fingers. It dances through the air between your fingers, but your hand is moving too fast for anyone to actually see it. You don't do this to distract people, usually. You do it to help you concentrate. You can feel your adrenaline pumping higher and higher, as the tell tale whoosh of the cards runs over the table.

Using your free hand, you flip the card over and are mildly disappointed.

(Y/fn): 'Tch. Sixteen...' Your eyes scan the faces of your opponents. Most of them are doing an okay job of hiding their intention, but others aren't quite as skilled. 'Judging by their expressions, I'd say that at least two of them can't beat that without 'hitting.' But I'm not sure about the other three.'

Your mind begins racing through all the possible outcomes of every possible decision you could make. But you find yourself getting distracted by the obnoxious laughter of a nearby table. You spin your one card faster, in an attempt to drown out the voices, but it's no good. "Hey! Can't you two see there's a game going on over here!?" The culprits turn out to be a tall blonde woman in her early twenties, heavily intoxicated. Sat across from her is a brown haired boy in his late teens. There is a large bag of gold sat on the table between them.

The woman turns towards your voice, her cheeks flushed red in drunken ecstasy.

Blonde Woman: "Sorry. Sorry. *Hic* I was just making a transaction with my new friend here." She puts the boy into a headlock. A headlock that's coming across as just a little too friendly.

(Y/fn): 'Something screwy is going on.' The woman then hoists the large bag of coins over her shoulder and makes her way to the door, waving back to the boy flirtatiously.

Blonde Woman: "I think you'll learn a lot from your meeting with me, kiddo! M'kay. I'll go settle this, so wait for me here!" She leaves with a glint in her eyes. The boy looks on with excitment and everything falls into place in your mind.

(Y/fn): 'He's going to lose that smile once he realises he got scammed.' With the noise finally dying down to a more manageable level, you return your focus to the game.

Staring down at your cards, you decide to take a gamble. Placing all your winnings into the centre of the table, you glance up at the dealer. "Hit me."

The audience let out a chorus of gasps, and even the dealer looks sceptical at your chances. He places the final card face down in front of you. You snap your index and middle fingers closed, catching your "special card" between your fingers. Using its edge, you flip your last card...And your heart flutters.

Dealer: "Five. Twenty one. Congratulations, sir!" You sit in smug satisfaction, though you don't let it show. You see your opponents slowly begin to sweat, as their only choice begins to close in around them...To beat you, they will all have to play.

Opponent 1: "Hit me."

Opponent 2: "Hit me!"

Opponent 3: "H...Hit me..."

Opponent 4: "Hit."

Opponent 5: "Hit me." They all push what little gold they have left into the pile, waiting on bated breath for their torture to end. Your first opponent goes bust at twenty two. The second at twenty four. The third at twenty four, also. The fourth at twenty six. And the last at twenty two.

The gambling man (OP Male Reader X Esdeath) Akame ga kill fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now