Chapter Eleven: Confessions

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Dark clouds roll in, blanketing the water in depressing dark hues, as thunder drums through the sky!

Then, suddenly, a flash of lightning!

The pitter-patter of the first droplets of rain mixes with the crashing of the churning sea beneath you, as the approaching storm intensifies!

You slice your open palm through the air, feeling the droplets as they splatter against, or glide over, your skin! You finally drive your arm forward, and a line of cards rushes ahead, intercepting and deflecting one of Liver's oncoming blades!

You then bring your arm in, before driving your other hand to the opposite side with a similar movement, deflecting a second blade!

Then, he smirks...

He suddenly tightens his hand into a fist, and you hear the ground behind you crack and splinter!

Your body reacts before you do, moving on instinct, enlarging a card and tossing it behind you, blocking the two blades that erupt from the ground a moment later!

Liver sneers, his blood reforming behind him. Pulsating with out-of-rhythm undulations (like a weakening heart beat).

Just then, you taste something metallic on your top lip, and can feel something running from your nose.

You wipe away the blood with a swipe of your thumb.

You aren't surprised that the battle is taking such a toll on you. King's Gambit wasn't designed to tank consecutive attacks like this. But you don't have much of a choice, since you're the only line of defence for Bulat and Tatsumi.

But it looks like you won't have to keep playing it safe for much longer...

You can see the rhythm of the pulses in Liver's blood quickly lessening, and he himself is not looking too steady on his feet. A mixture of the toxins in his blood, his injuries and exhaustion have left him on death's door...Now it's time to introduce him, just like you promised!

Summoning the same four cards into your fingers from the start of the fight, you throw two towards Liver...

One flies past him, lightly grazing his side (you can barely see the blood), before crashing into the deck behind him!

The second tears up the ground in front of his feet! Exploding into a blanket of purple-ish, black smoke and splinters of wood! He brings his arm up to cover his mouth and nose, whilst tightly shutting his eyes to stop them from burning!

Next, you drop your third card onto the floor behind you! You then turn on your heels and fall towards the ground!

Only for the world to start spinning, as the ground becomes the sky, and liver is now stood before you, his back turned as he hopelessly chokes on the cloud around him!

You pull your arm back, tighten the grip on your final card...And tear open his back with it!

He lets out a shocked and pained scream, which is cut short, as blood fills up his throat and explodes from his mouth!

Before Liver can retaliate, you allow yourself to fall backwards, the world once again spinning out of focus, before you reappear on the other side of the ship!

Liver falls to his knees as blood pours from his mouth, profusely. And each of his blood constructs seize up before splattering into red puddles all across the deck.

And with a snap of your fingers, your cards all dissapear in a flash of purple.

Tatsumi: "Unbelievable..." You hear Tatsumi whipser under his breath behind you. But it doesn't distract you from the man in front of you.

The gambling man (OP Male Reader X Esdeath) Akame ga kill fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now