Chapter Seven Point Five: New Management

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You're sat in the living room of Night Raid's base, shuffling your cards between your hands at lightning speed, the action so second nature that you don't even have to watch what your fingers are doing.

Tatsumi, Sheele and Lubbock all watch in awe at your deft movements, their eyes twitching left and right at even the slightest hand gesture.

When you're finished, you pull a random card from the deck and show it to Sheele.

(Y/fn): "Is this your card?" Sheele adjusts her glasses before leaning closer. With a somewhat disappointed frown, she shakes her head.

Sheele: "No." You were expecting this answer, but pretend to look shocked nonetheless, as you turn the card towards you.

(Y/fn): "Are you sure?...I was positive...Oh! Wait, wait, wait...I know what's happened," you place the deck on the table and stuff the card somewhere in the middle. "It got embarrassed," you then lean over the table and reach behind Sheele's ear.

With a flick of your wrist, the King of Spades appears in your hand (its sudden apperance covered by Sheele's long, purple hair).

You bring your arm back and show the new card. "Now then...I believe this is your card." Sheele begins to clap, slowly rocking side to side like a starstruck child.

Sheele: "Wow! That was amazing, (Y/fn)!" Tatsumi and Lubbock both look just as amazed.

Lubbock: "Where were you hiding that? Up your sleeve? In your pocket?...Down your pants?"

Tatsumi: "Seriously, how did you do that?" You chuckle to yourself before re-shuffling the deck.

(Y/fn): "Slight of hand, Tatsumi. A useful talent to posses, especially for someone in our line of work. If you want quick kills, that is."


Suddenly, the door to the living room flies open. Najenda, Akame and Leone all funneling through afterwards.

Najenda: "Sorry to interrupt you four...but a job just came through," you put your cards away.

Whatever playful mood you were just in has dissappeared and been replaced by the cold masks of professionalism.

Lubbock: "Who's our target?" Najenda crashes down on the farthest sofa. She lights a cigarette and breaths out a lungs worth of smoke before continuing.

Najenda: "It's a gang. They've recently been causing trouble for a local Blacksmith, who secretly supplies weapons to the Revolution. And while he was originally content with fighting off their advances himself. Recently, he believes that something more nefarious is at play. And he's concerned that they may be working for the Prime Minister. It goes without saying, that if his suspicions turn out to be true...we can't allow them to keep snooping," Najenda interlocks her fingers and rests her elbows on her knees, her eye dropping into a steely and calculating stare.

Tatsumi suddenly stands.

Tatsumi: "If this man is helping the Revolutionary Army, then we owe him at least this much!" Lubbock joins him.

Lubbock: "Yeah! When do we leave!?" Najenda rasies her mechanical hand to calm the boys back down.

Najenda: "Unfortunately, not everyone will be. Too large of a group will attract too much attention. And I can't send Akame, Sheele or Bulat due to their wanted status, unless it was at night. But waiting that long would just waste time we don't have. Which is why I've decided that Leone and (Y/fn) will take this contract," you push off of your knees and stand.

Leone: "We can handle this."

(Y/fn): "Understood." Najenda looks between the two of you before giving a satisfied nod.

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