Chapter Four Point Five: A Bad Bet

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Perspective Change Third Person:
Mine sits in one of the cushioned sofas in the living room, happily sipping a strawberry and vanilla milkshake. She involuntarily shudders with pleasure as the smooth, cold mixture snakes its way up the straw and down her throat. She places the glass on the table and stretches her neck over the back of the sofa.

Mine: "Ah~I love days off. Just lounging around all day, eating sweets. What could possibly be better?" As her eyes begin to slowly drift shut, she feels like all her worries are slowly disappearing.


???: "Tet'ra!..." Until her peace is disturbed by the sharp sound of a glass breaking, and strange, foreign profanities from the kitchen. Even if they were spoken in a language she could understand, Mine would know it was (Y/fn), as he's the only other person in the base.

With a frustrated growl, Mine shoots from her seat and storms towards the kitchen.
Perspective Change (Y/fn):
(Y/fn): "Tet'ra!...Spreģre!" You curse at the top of your lungs whilst you suck the bleeding cut on your hand and glare at the blood stained glass on the ground. With a weary sigh, you bend down and begin picking up the larger shards, fresh blood still dripping from your palm.


Suddenly, the kitchen door is practically ripped off its hinges, as a pink hurricane decides to tear through the relative quiet.

Mine: "WHAT THE HELL'S WITH ALL THE NOISE IN HERE!?!? YOU'VE COMPLETLY RUINED WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MY RELAXING DAY OFF!!!" Mine fumes. She storms across the tiled floor towards you, her eyes burning with fury. You simply roll your eyes and allow her insults to bounce off you.

(Y/fn): "I apologise for crying out when sharp pieces of glass tore into my hand, ma'am. In the future I shall endevour to maintain a dignified silence." Your voice oozes sarcasm. Something Mine, as the queen of rhetorical comments, recognises.

Mine: "Oh, don't be so dramatic! It's just a small cut! Aren't you supposed to be a man!?"

(Y/fn): "In retrospect, it wasn't the pain that made me cry out. It was more the shock and surprise of the glass breaking in my hand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish cleaning up." You throw the larger shards in your hand into the bin, before grabbing a broom and sweeping up the finer pieces of glass. All the while, your hand stings as blood continues to pour from it.

Mine: "Hey! Sort out your hand first you idiot! You're dripping blood all over the floor!" Mine recoils from you.

(Y/fn): "I'll deal with it once I've gotten rid of the glass. Besides, I'm not in any pain." Your hand brushes down the handle of the wooden broom as you sweep, catching on an exposed splinter. You wince a little. Mine raises an eyebrow.

Mine: "Really? Because you look like you're in pain to me."

(Y/fn): "I'm telling you, I'm fine!" You raise your voice, just a little. Mine meets your challenge by raising her eyebrow further. Then, without your consent, she grabs you by the wrist and pulls your arm up over your head, examining your palm as you hiss in pain.

She glares at you before dragging you by your wrist into the living room. "Woah! H...Hey, wait!" Mine doesn't listen to your protests. She just throws you onto the sofa and dissapears back into the kitchen.

You examine your wrist, which now has a thin red ring stretched around it. You begin rolling it to help elevate some of the discomfort.


Just then, the kitchen door is slammed open, and Mine storms through with a small brown bag in her hand. Sitting next to you, Mine proceeds to open the mysterious bag, pulling out a roll of bandages, which she starts to tentatively wrap around your hand.

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