Chapter Five Point Five: Mutual Understanding

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Perspective Change Third Person:
Akame walks the quiet of the base's moon-kissed hallways, placing her hand against her stomach when it breaks the silence with an untimely rumble.

Akame: 'Since I'm already up, I may as well go and grab something to eat.' Akame's steps quicken, but remain just as soundless as the hallway they scurry through. But then, she stops, and listens.

On the edge of her hearing, she can hear a crackling, sizzling sound, like a frying pan. She then raises her head and begins sniffing the air, as if it were second nature, like a dog.

There's no mistake, someone is up and cooking. Without her input, Akame's stomach growls louder, a small line of drool begins to track its way down her chin, and her pace instantly quickens.

Following the heavenly scent, Akame speeds past Leone and Najendas' rooms, not even caring anymore if her footsteps are audible, and makes her way downstairs.

She tears open the door to the meeting room, and glides across its perfectly maintained floor, her steps not even disturbing the carpet.

Akame keeps following her nose, the scent of sugar and dough becoming sharper and more defined as she nears the kitchen. Until, finally, she pushes through the final obstacle in her path, the kitchen door, and she sees something she wasn't expecting; (Y/fn)...Cooking and reading.
Perspective Change (Y/fn):
You quickly shuffle the pan in your one hand as it heats over the small fire, gently sautéing the small balls of dough in a sugary broth. As the balls begin to puff up and darken, you put out the fire and allow the hot sugar to finish cooking them, just like your mother showed you. You then turn to the book in your off hand and find where you were on your page.

Just then, you see a dark figure lurking in the doorway. If it wasn't for the fact that you could hear her, usually quiet, footsteps coming from a mile away, Akame may have startled you.

(Y/fn): "Sorry, did I wake you?"

Akame: "No. I was already up and decided to get myself a snack before heading back to bed." You give an understanding nod.

(Y/fn): "There's nothing better than sleeping on a full stomach, right?" Akame smiles.

Akame: "Why are you up?" You give your book a quick shake.

(Y/fn): "Just doing some late night reading. I've been living here for over three years. And yet, reading your language is something I still struggle with. And as someone who owns a large number of businesses, knowing what their letters to me contain is kind of important. So, I occasionally brush up on my basics by reading." You then see Akame's eyes slowly fall to the pan next to you. The obviousness of the action, and her failed attempts to hide it, makes you chuckle. "Hehehe...But you're not interested in that, are you? No...You're interested in these." You tilt the pan and watch as Akame's eyes light up.

You take two wooden skewers from one of the cupboards and stick each through three of the sweetened dough balls. You pass one to Akame, who immediately snatches it out of your hand and drops into a seat at the table, nibbling her way through the sugary treat. You take your seat opposite her and start to work on yours.

Akame: "*Munch* These are good. *Munch* What are they?"

(Y/fn): "Thank you. They're called Serhàlka. It's a relatively new addition to the market places of Xerksia." She gulps down the last one and licks the last of the flavour from the skewer.

Akame: "Where'd you learn how to make them?"

(Y/fn): "My mother came from the Capital, moved to Xerksia and met my father. My sweet tooth developed pretty much the day I was born, and the two of them put their heads together to create these. A perfect fusion of Xerksian and Capital produce."

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