Chapter Eight: The Queen Returns

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You and Tatsumi both jump through a top floor window and run silently through the halls of the mansion.

You've been scouting and observing the house for hours.

You both know that your targets are somewhere on the lowest floor.

As you go, you think about the Boss's words before you departed, and the sheer importance of this mission.

(Y/fn): 'Tonight's contract isn't a request from the people. It's a direct assassination order from the leaders of the Revolutionary Army. Our targets are civil officials; The Kobore brothers. As direct subordinates of the Prime Minister, they are villains who do the lion's share of the work for him. We must be on top of our game tonight. If we wish to decrease the Empire's power, even just a little bit...We can't fail!'

You both stop just outside a door, taking cover on opposite sides of the frame.

You can hear the brothers' voices inside without even looking.

You peer through the open doorway and see them both sat at a small, round table in the centre of the room, the remains of a recently eaten meal still sitting atop it, along with two bottles of wine.

The two sit so confidently, believing themselves to be so untouchable, that there's next to no security throughout the entire house. Not even a single guard waits in some far off corner of the room. It's just the two of them.

Their blatant conceitedness makes you sick. Leaving you almost giggling at the prospect of what will happen next.

You turn to Tatsumi, and he to you. And with a single, decisive nod, you both rush into the room.

Before either of the brothers can even stand, Tatsumi draws his sword and runs one of them through the back. While you leap over the table, draw your sword and slit the other's throat, twist through the air, skid to a hault and immediately make haste back through the door at full speed.

As you and Tatsumi leave, you hear another door open in the room you just left, followed by the sound of a groggy, high pitched voice.

???: "Daddy? Just now...What were those sounds? Huh?...D...Daddy!? DADDY!!!" Suddenly Tatsumi drops his head and clenches his teeth, like he's on the verge of throwing up.

Then, for the first time since you've know him, he actually manages to overtake you, nearly pushing you over as he passes.
Two hours later:
Night Raid's Base:
You walk along the ravine, the nighttime air and animals creating a relaxing ambiance, as you guide Leone to where you remeber leaving Tatsumi, explaining the entire situation to her as you do.

(Y/fn): "...And he's been sat there for nearly an hour, just scrubbing his sword. By the time I left to get you, the blade was more reflective than the water."

Leone: "And he hasn't said anything?" Leone asks in concern.

(Y/fn): "I'd feel better if he didn't. Instead, he just keeps repeating the same thing, over and over again. When he wouldn't respond to me, I figured another voice might have more luck." Leone slowly nods.

Leone: "*Sigh*...I'll talk to him."

(Y/fn): "Appreciate it. He isn't much further now." The river twist one more time, and you find Tatsumi still sat at its edge, still frantically rubbing a wet cloth up and down the edge of his sword, a desperate expression pulling at his features.

Tatsumi: "Shit...He was a villain who tricked and abused people...But to his son, he was just a good father," his words are strained yet sporadic all at once, like he needs to get them out, or he'll choke on his own guilt.

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