Chapter 9

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                                             I recieved a nice lettern for an injunction this morning, served to me with court papers. Fuck this bitch. I drive to Peyton's apartment and I see Bentley and Harley leaving with the stroller. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Watching Harley and Bentley play with Sawyer is the perfect timing. The bitch wants to play games, let's play. I don't even want the bastard, but it's time that Peyton learned her place and who the fuck she is talking to. I lean against a tree and just watch. Suddenly Bentley gets up and walks away. Ha! This will be easier than I originally thought. Harley stands and looks in my direction. There's no way she can see my face. She seems to realize she doesn't recognize me because she casually walks away.

Tristan: Where are you going??

                                            She pushes the stroller down this trail. I give her a few minutes and I slowly follow behind. Walking along. I haven't seen any other people. It's quiet and the trees are getting more congested. I look over and see this big rock. I pick it up and test the weight in my hand. She stops and looks over to see if Sawyer is sleeping I think. Now is when I move. I briskly walk up behind her and SMACK. Down the bitch goes! She is out. I grab the stoller and walk. I get to my car and load everything up. Fuck you Peyton.


                                                                     knock knock knock
                                             I walk over and open my apartment door and Tristan is standing there.......with a stroller??

Rebecca: Uh......Hey?

Tristan: Hey, can we crash here until my flight in the morning?

Rebecca: I guess so......who is this?

Tristan: My daughter Sawyer.

Rebecca: Oh......alright, come in.

Tristan:  Thanks.

                                            Tristan walks in and not long after arriving, Sawyer wakes up crying.

Tristan: Rebecca. Take care of that would you?

Rebecca: Ummmm....take care of it?

Tristan: Give the thing a bottle or something. Damn.

                                              I rifle through the diaper bag and find some baby food and one bottle, plus a cold bag of breastmilk.

Rebecca: There's only enough milk in here for one bottle.....

Tristan: Figure the shit out. Go get some formula or some shit.

Rebecca: Tristan, that isn't how it works. Didn't Peyton tell you anything about Sawyer's feedings? Why only one bag of breastmilk?

Tristan: Stop with the fucking questions and take care of it. I'm going to the bar. I'll be back later.

                                              He gets up and grabs his keys, walking out of the apartment, slamming the door.


                                                Ash just hung up with Bentley and he's sobbing.

Peyton: Ash.....what is going on? Is everything okay?

                                               Then he starts screaming and beating the steering wheel.

Peyton: ASH!!!!

Acheron (Ash): She's gone. She's fucking gone!

Peyton: Who? Who is gone?

                                                  Ash just looks at me. Tears pouring down his face.

Acheron (Ash): We have to go home.

                                                 He speeds off toward the hotel.

Peyton: Ash, I'm not understanding. Did something happen to your mom?

Acheron (Ash): No's.....

                                                   He punches the steering wheel.

Acheron (Ash): It's.....fuck!! It's Sawyer.....

                                                    Time slows to a stand still. I can feel my pulse in my ears. I'm not breathing, if I breathe it will wish it into exsistance. It will be real. But this can't be real. He just said Sawyer......He said she's fucking gone. I've been holding my breath and my lungs are burning. Then blackness.

                                                                                                *Acheron (Ash)*

                                                     I just told Peyton that is was Sawyer. She just stares at me. Confusion and shock playing across her face. I haven't heard her breathe. I'm screaming at her to answer me but it's like I'm not even there. She doesn't see me and she doesn't hear me. I grab her and her eyes roll into the back of her head and out she goes.


                                                   I'm strangling the steering wheel like I can break it. I step on the gas and floor it to the hotel. I run in and grab all our bags and clothes. I check out quickly and get back in the car. Peyton is still out. We start heading to the airport when she comes to.

Peyton: What happened?

Acheron(Ash): Peyton, we are going to the airport. We are going home.

Peyton: Ash, what happened to Sawyer?

Acheron (Ash): I'll explain on the plane. We don't have time to discuss it now. We have to drop off the rental and run to the boarding gate.

                                               We pull in and I grab Peyton's hand as well as the bags. She's like a zombie. I'm just pulling her through the airport.We get to the gate just as the last passengers are being allowed to board. When we get on the flight, I buckle us both in.

Stewardess: Can I get you anything to drink?

Acheron(Ash): As many little bottles of scotch that I'm allowed to have on one flight.

Stewardess: Okay......anything for you ma'am??

                                           Peyton doesn't answer her. Just looks right through her. Before long, the stewardess gets uncomfortable and walks away. The plane ascends into the air and Peyton turns to me, whispering. As I chug little bottles of scotch. One right after the other.

Peyton: Ash.....what's happening?

Acheron(Ash): Peyton, Harley was at the park with Sawyer. Bentley was at the shop. Harley was struck from behind. When she was found, she was taken to the hospital.

Peyton: What about Sawyer....?

Acheron (Ash): Sawyer is missing Peyton.....someone took her....

                                       Peyton looks completely empty. Her face completely void of emotion until the tears run down her face.

Peyton: .........Tristan......

Acheron (Ash): ......Yes....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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