Chapter 4: All Hope is Lost

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I awoke in some dark room, strapped to some table. “What? Where am I?” I asked, quietly.

“Aah. Rebel. Welcome.” a dark voice said. I lifted my head up to try to see where the voice was from. Someone moved into the light. It was the F.E.A.R leader.

“What do you want with me?” I asked, in a low whisper as I dropped my head back onto the table. The F.E.A.R leader stood at the head of the table and looked down at me.

“Answers.” he replied simply. He moved to the side by a large wheel. “You’ll tell me what I want to know and you’ll stay unharmed.” he explained. “First question. Who are your leaders?” he asked.

“I won’t give away anything.” I said defiantly. He sighed and gave the wheel a quick turn. Pain seared through my legs and arms. I screamed.

“Who are your leaders?” he asked again, determination laced into his voice.

“I’m. Not. Saying.” I snarled through pants.

“Tut, tut.” he muttered, turning the wheel further. I let out a long, piercing scream.

“OK, OK! I’LL TELL!” I yelled, tears coursing down my cheeks. He lessened the tension.

“Spill.” he whispered, leaning down so he was close to my face.

“There are five.” I panted. “The Prophet, The Deviant, The Mystic, The Mourner and The Destroyer.”

“Very good.” he cooed. “Next question. What do you mean to them?” he asked.

“Nothing. I’m just another rebel.” I lied. His eyes narrowed. He turned the wheel again. My screams echoing through the room.

“Don’t lie to me.” he growled. “What are you to them?” he asked again. Tears still spilled down my cheeks.

“I’m. Their first rebel. They say… All they want to do… Is keep me safe.” I sobbed.

“So they’d be devastated if anything happened to you?” he asked slyly. I just nodded. “That’s all for now.” he sighed. I was unstrapped and the F.E.A.R leader clapped his hands. A Shadow appeared. The Shadow touched me and I appeared in a room with a barred door. There was a lot of people in there, huddled together. Someone noticed my strange entry and started muttering to each other. Someone came over to me and asked me my name.

“Rebel.” I coughed.

“It’s her.” the person sighed. “F.E.A.R got you then?” the same person asked. I nodded slightly.

“Let’s hope the rebels find us before it’s too late.” I croaked.

The Deviant’s P.O.V


We sat in our tent, planning more frantically than ever. “How are we going to get into the F.E.A.R compound without them noticing?” I asked.

“We’re not. We’re going to have to plan a full scale attack.” The Prophet muttered. The planning went on until sunrise. We had cracked it. I turned to the Mourner.

“Round up the rebels. We attack at mid-day.” I explained. He nodded and left the tent, calling for the rebels.

“She’s probably lost all hope by now.” The Mystic whispered.

“Then we’re going to have to do our best. Come on. We can do this. If F.E.A.R have inflicted ANY form of harm in ANY way, they will be sorry.” The Destroyer growled through gritted teeth. Andy gave a small, dark laugh.

“We’re with you every step of the way mate. Oh yeah.” Andy snarled, menacingly.

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