A normal day a normal life, right? (1)

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It was a normal day at school. You and your best friend were just walking to class.

Out of no where you feel vibrations under your feet. It made you instantly look up, looking for anyone who noticed.

"Y/f/n did you feel that?" You ask the person walking next to you in concern.

"No, what are you on?"

"Nothing, I think I just felt the earth shake"

"Like an earthquake? Don't be silly y/n come on we are going to be late for class."

You nod in agreement. Although you for sure felt something, you just kept walking like nothing happend.

When you both arrive in class, you feel the same vibrations again.

"Y/f/n,  you seriously don't feel it?"

"Y/n don't be silly, come on I saved us a seat." Your best friend smiled.

"Bienvenue an class, today we are going to learn about numbers after 1000" The teacher began to explain the numbers after both you and your best friend sat downtown your seats.

After some boring school work you hear the bell ring. Not the normal bell but the emergency bell.

Normally the emergency bell only goes off when something important happens, for example when a teacher suddenly d1es.

"Hello students and teachers, we are currently under strict lockdown, don't run, stay in class it will be alright. We will take care of it. Wait for further instructions of your teachers. I repeat don't run, stay in class and wait for further instructions."

You began to feel concerned. With a confused face you looked at your teacher. Screams were coming from the halls, t made you flinch and wonder what was happening.
"Stay calm everyone." The teacher tried to get her students to calm down.

You look scared and still very confused at y/f/n

"Don't be silly, it will be okay." She assured

"You always say that y/f/n but I don't think it will this time." You told her.

Your friend hugged you. It felt different from the hundreds of other times. It felt like it was the last time you felt her warmth on your body. The last time you could smell her awful cologne, the last time you could see her beautiful eyecolor. The last time you saw her.

"Don't be silly, it's  going to be okay." She said, glancing into your eyes "You will do good-"

But before she could finish her sentence, she began to glitch, like a machine. As if her body was fading away and duplicating at the same time. Her skin lost color but at the same time her hair changed to all sort of colors.

"What do you mean?" You look at her, afraid that what was happening to her might also happen to you.

"Don't worry about it, silly, we will see each other soon."

Then classroom and the other people started to glitch.

Just like that, she and all people in class vanish in dust.

You screamed and cried of sadness. You couldn't believe it. How could this happen? One second theirs glitching like a machine and the next all the people vanish in dust.

You get flashbacks from infinity war. You laugh almost soft at the thought. You and your best friend in the cinema watching avengers infinity war. But you then cry again when you see that all that's left is ashes. Ashes everywhere.

Your vision slowly darkened, light seemed impossible to find. Out of nowhere you hear a figure coming in, a shadow that slowly shifted closer towards you.

"it's going to be okay y/n, you just don't belong here." The shadow said as it slams an unknown object into you in the head. You feel a sharp pain going through your skull. When you felt in the spot, your fingers slowly turned a dark red. Before you even know it, It's getting darker and darker....

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