Spoilers (19)

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Alright I can do this, just remember what Five told you. Project your consciousness into your cloned body, in the right universe. It's a lot harder than it sounds

1... I shift
2... I shift to my desired universe
3... I shift.

You imagine youre with your best friend the day the storm happend, watching the Umbrella Academy.

100... I shift to my desired universe.

"Y/n, y/n!" You hear someone yell

You open your eyes, you did it.

"Hey, whats up."
"I lost you for a second there."

"Wanna binge watch?" You ask

"Hell yeah."


"Wow, why did they lock up Vanya?" You ask
"She killed Lenard, Luther thought she was insane."

"Damn that's messed up."

Vanya went really crazy, she destroyed the chamber she was in. Room for room she destroyed everything

"Oh God." Your jaw drops to the floor. "Vanya starts the apocalypse doesn't she?"

Y/f/n nods

"Please turn it off."

"Turn it off now!" You scream. It started to storm.

"Jeez okay." She turns it off "see, it's okay y/n, it's okay."

"I'm so sorry."
"Yeah. Why?"
"I- I'm so sorry." You jumped out of the window.

"You must tell no one." You hear a strange voice say

"Or what?" You ask
"You think you're so smart mmh."
"Or what?" You yell
"Consequences will happen..."

You wake up sweating and panting.

"Jezus Christ." You ran down the hallway to find Five.

But instead you find Luther, sobbing on Klaus's shoulder

"You know, y/n was right. Dad send me up to the Moon... because he couldn't stand the sight of this. Of what.. of what he did to me of what I've become."

"No, no, no. That's... that's not... what I meant Luther." You walk up to him and give him a hug "damn it, Dad was such an asshole right to the end. If there's anything else... that we can do, or..."

"I wanna be like you." He says to klaus "I wanna do whatever it is that you-"

"No, no, no, no. You don't. No. Absolutely not."

"Yeah. I do. Yeah."

"Come on, Klaus. 'Cause you.,, you always seem so carefree, and I just need it. I... I wanna be Number Four."

"Trust me. Trust me. You don't want that."

"I do..."

"You don't want that. What you need is just... just lay down, sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning. Okay?" Klaus tries to comfort him

"Fine, I'll go by myself." Luther pushes you off and stand up

"What? No." Klaus says "no, no, no Luther! Luther, I can't let you-" Luther pushes klaus to the side, klaus yells in pain "oh, shit."

"Klaus are you okay?" You run to him

"Yeah, I'm fine." He runs after Luther

"Okay yeah, I'll stay here." You sigh

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