I believe he is a gardener (14)

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"They turned me into the perfect instrument for rehabilitation of the time continuum." Five says
"or 'corrections' as they called them. I wasn't the only one. There are others like me. Brings out of time, fractured, extracted from the lives that they knew. I don't know how they got there. But I do know that one of them were as good as me." Five explained
"they didn't realize it, but I was biding my time, trying to figure out the right equation so I could get back. If I could just get back, I knew I could stof the apocalypse. Save the world. So I broke my contract."

"So." Luther says as he was handing me and Five breakfast. "You were a hit man?"

"Yes." Five says. He looks at you "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, i was the only way to get back to my family."

"It's okay, I understand." You say, smiling.

You hug him

"Uh... I mean, you had a code, right?" Luther interrupted us "you didn't kill just anybody."

"No code." Five says "we took out anyone who messed with the time line."

"What about innocent people?"

"It was the only way I could get back here."

"But that's murder."

"Jesus, Luther, grow up. Just because you wouldn't do the same, doesn't mean other people couldn't." You say

"I would never do that." Luther says

"We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people goin' about their lives. But when the world ends, all those people die, including our family." Five sighs "Time changes everything." He says


"I need to go home for new clothes." You say

"Me too, I'll teleport us." Five says

"Do you two have something or-?" Luther asks

"Uh-" before you can answer Five already teleported you away in to the Academy

You and him walk to your rooms when you noticed Klaus, you lightly push Five and point to Klaus.

"Look at all the blood on the floor." You whisper

Fives knocks on the door

"You okay?" He asks

"Hey." Klaus says "Yeah, I just... long night."

"More than one, from the looks of it." You say

"Yeah." Klaus answers

"Don't remember the dog tags." Five says

"Yeah, they belonged to a friend."

"How about that new tattoo?"

"You know, I don't totally remember even getting it." Klaus says "like I said, it was a long night."

"You did it, didn't you?"

"What are you talkin' about?"

"You know, I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus."

"Symptoms of what?" He asks

"The jet lag, full body itch, headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain. You gonna tell me about it?" Five asks

"Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you, they took me hostage instead."

"And in return, you stole their briefcase." You say wile leaning on the door frame

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