Bank rob (4)

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"All numbers come here" Sir Reginald said "We are going on a mission"


"In five...Four...Three...Two..."

"This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages"

"Hey, get them behind the counter!" One of the robbers shouted into a walkietalkie while pointing a gun to the hostages. "Now you put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?" He complained.

Allison calmly and innocent walked to the man and stood behind him. "Hey, get back with the others." The man commanded.

"I heard a rumor."
The man began to get frustrated and a bit angry. "What? What did you say?"
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." She whispered in the man's ear.
And with no hesitation the man did it, his friend cried in pain.

"We just heard shots from the inside of the bank. It's uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that" Jim said

"Up there!" A man yelled

"There's some movement on the roof. Possible law enforcement"

"Allison?" You questioned
She turned around. "yeah what's up"
You smiled before complimenting her. "You did great"

"Thank you, y/n." She smiled back. She then paused as if she had remembered something. "Wait where is Luther?" She wondered.
You pointed your finger up to the ceeling. "There" 

Luther jumped trough the glass roof. He landed right behind the counter. He grabbed a man and trew him against the counter. He then proceeded to pick him up and throw him through a glass window.

"Looks like one of the armed robbers had been thrown from the bank."

You smiled and walked towards Diego, who was about to make his dramatic enterance. "Aww Diego what are you gonna say? Guns are for sissies?" You mocked.
"Guns are for sis..." He stopped and looked at you "piss off number eight, you're the one with a dumb sledgehammer." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knifes" and with that he threws a knife at the man who stood beside Allison. But instead the of the knife hitting the man, it swung to another robber, just as he had planned.

"I have been in many hostage situations like this, it can escalate verry quickly."

"Congratulations Diego" You sarcastically said, pushing him to the side. "It's my turn now."

Step for step you walked to another robber. Curling your hair with your finger. Each step made a clicking sound on the marble floor. You slightly tapped the man standing in front of you on the shoulder. He quickly turned around to see you standing behind him.

"Hello" you said, blinking your eyes innocently. You could feel that the man was confused.
You swing Mjolnir around for a bit.
The man lifted one eyebrow, not knowing what he should do. "Wha-" he questioned.
Before he could answer, you slammed Mjolnir on the ground as hard as you could, creating a lighting bolt from above the sky, destroying the roof of the bank but also the head of the man, leaving him headless.

"Come on, I could've done that way better."
"Aww Diego, are you jealous?" You mocked him.

You and Diego turned around when you heard a loud voice.
"Get back,you freaks." Said the man who previously shot his friend in the foot. He was waving his gun to us, and he was standing on the counter.

"Hey, be carful up there, buddy." Diego dares him.
"Get back now!" The man repeated
"Yeah wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison mocked.
"One push and you'll break your neck, buddy." you laughed.

"Or what?" Five responded to the robbers previously statement as he teleported right next to him. The robber shot Five, but Five had already teleported before he could actually shoot him.
In the process of teleporting, Five had apparently changed the robbers gun to something else.

"Ooh! That's one badass stapler!" Five said in response of the shooter trying to shoot Five with a stapler. He chuckled as he proceeded to hit the man in his head with the same stapler. The man grunted in pain before he fell head first on the ground.

"Although there's been no activity for a few minutes, we're gonna stay live on location to make sure we don't miss anything in this hostage situation at the Capital West bank."

"Do I really have to do this?" Ben complained, his face making a convincing sad look.
"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault." Luther responded.

"Don't pressure him, Luther." You defended. You looked at Ben and smiled "Although you're better than us when it comes to opening portals of an other demention." You softly said

Ben thought for a second about it, but eventually agreed.
"I didn't sign up for this." Were his last words before opening the door of the vault.

"Now we see the hostages. They- They're free. They're scared, clearly, but they do seem to be unharmed."

We heard scary sounds coming from the vault. People were screaming, moaning, grunting of pain and fear.
Luckily the glass was blurred so the only thing we could see was Ben's tentacles and blood, a lot of it. The beast from Ben's stomach roared, and with that Ben came out of the vault, soaked in blood.

He was breating shakily. "Can we go home now?" He asked, clearly disturbed.
"Ben you did great" You complimented while wiping off some blood on his face with your jacket.

"People are comming out now. It's not the armed robbers. These are young schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on. This is Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 News.

"Lower your weapons"
"How did they get inside of the bank?"
"What happend inside?"

We were standing there, waiting for Sir Reginald to come out. Just like we practiced. I saw Vanya standing with Sir Reginald. I waved to her. When she noticed it, she waved happely back, but stopped as soon as Sir Reginald said to stop.


"Our world is changing, has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children."

You have always hated it when he didn't include Vanya. It wasn't fair, if she really hadn't any powers, why did Sir Reginald adopt her in the first place?

" I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."

"Mr. Hargreeves!"
"Mr. Hargreeves. Chanel 9 News. What happend to their parents?"

"They were suitably compensated." He answered the question.

"Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?"

"Of course."

Not.  He didn't loved any of us. It's true. He only cared a little about us because we have powers, that's it

"As I am for the fate of the world."
With that he leaded us to the car and we drove home, no talking. Just smiling at each other.

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