That makes no sense (6)

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You woke up like you're just raised from the dead. You are breathing heavily.

Ah fuck not again.

You law down again.

The storm is still going.
You look around you, it is exactly the same as when you first ever were introduced to this universe. You walk to a mirror. You look exactly the same.
Suddenly the storm stops.

You look down, checking is you're still wearing your uniform, which you are. You slowly look out the door, and walk out of it. You walk to the kitchen.

"What's the date? The exact date."

Wait is that five ?

"The 24th"
"Of what?"

Yep that's five

"Good" Five responded

Wait March? Shit

You let yourself slowly fall on the ground.

Diego quietly walkes up to noice you're making , he trows a knife, it lands right beside you.

"Show yourself!" He yells.
You slowly walk out of the dark. You wave


You nod

"Oh my god, you're finally awake" Allison says wile giving you a hug.

"What year is it?" You ask



"So how long has it been?" Five asks
"17 years" Allison says, still looking concerned at you
"Wait 17 years? For me it just has been like 6 hours"

"What do you mean?" She asks

"I'll explain it to you later" you Turn around and look Five in the eyes

"So are we going to talk about what just happend?" Luther says

Comepletly ignoring Luther he answers your questions "It's been alot longer than that y/n." He turns to you "how are you doing by the way. I see you have not changed a single bit?"

He teleports to the cabinets to grap some marsmellows for his sandwich.

"Yeah I haven't missed that" Luther says
"Yeah i guess, you haven't changed too" you response.

"Where did you go?" Diego asks

"The future. It's shit, by the way" Five responded

"Called it." Klaus says

"I should've listens to the old man, you know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice."
He looks at klaus "nice dress"

"Oh, well, danke!" He says

"Wait, you timetraveld?" you ask "that's the one thing, one thing I told you not to do. Guys explain this to me, what happend?"

"You also told him to let go, he didn't do that either" Ben says
"Shut up Ben, this is between me and Five" you look at Ben "wait you survived?"

"You can see Ben?" Klaus claps his hands

"Yeah of course , he is right there" you point at Ben. Then you look at Five again.

"It's a long story y/n. I'll tell you another time" he says.

"Wait how did you get back." Vanya asks

"Well in the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exist across every possible instance of time." Five explains

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