Oh crap, im back (5)

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"Quick, quick" Luther yelled, waving his arm to leur everyone's attention to him.

Panting and tired, we all ran out of the burning building. But someone was missing. Ben. Ben wasn't there with the rest of the academy. He was no where to be seen.

"Ben isn't here"

"No, if you go in there you are going to get yourself killed." Five protested.

"It's either me or him, and we all know who we would choose." You replied.

"It is a suicidal misson."

"But we would all choose Ben." You said, looking back for one moment before running into the burning building.

"Y/n No!" Luther yelled. But you couldn't hear him because you were already inside, looking for Ben.

You wandered around the burning furniture. "Ben?! Ben?!" You yelled. Just as you expected, no answer.

You ran upstairs, covering your mouth with your blazer to project yourself from the smoke. You ran towards the unconscious body laying there.
"Ben? Ben??!" You yelled at the body, that was now identified as Ben, trying to wake him up.
You checked his pulse when he didn't answer. He did not have a pulse.
With tears in your eyes, you began to do an endless cycle of cpr.

The shadow of a figure walked towards you. "Y/n it's to late, the building is going to explode"

"No, I am not leaving without Ben."

The figure stood there for less than a second before responding. "No, I am not letting you die"

"Five let me go, it is going to be okay."

"No its not Y/n."

"Go before you'll die."

"I can't leave without you Y/n."

"Let go."

"No!" The figure yelled.

"Wake up. Then it will finally be the umbrella academy, just like it was supposed to be."

"What? What are you talking about-"

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

The floor made a cracking sound.

He has gotta go, right now.

"Y/n, what do you mean?"

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." You said, sitting down, realizing that it was, in fact, to late.

Five looked confused at you. Trying to make words but his mind didn't work. You stood up Turing around to face him. You slowly approached a window, looking out of it, taking deep breaths. Five walked up behind you.

"Look, we gotta go." He said, looking out of the window next to me.

You nodded. "Yeah, you gotta go."

In a split second you ran up to him, pushing out of the window.

Before Five gets his brain back and teleports to you, you apologized to Ben. "Ben, I am sorry." You said, planting a soft kiss on his head.

You laid Mjolnir next to him. As a sacrifice for not being able to save Ben.

Please lead him to a better place.

You looked at Ben for once more before diving  out of the second floor window right as the building explodes behind you.

"I'm sorry." You said as you fell. "I'm so sorry I failed."

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