Chapter 22 Morals

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Luna walked off and couldn't help but feel that she was being followed.

"Do you feel that V?"

"That were obiously being followed. Then yeah."

The friend group remained silent so they wouldn't get caught.

"It's probably a raccoon Anx. Let's just go."

"Yeah, yeah,excuses that's what you always make in these situations. It's nothing new really." 

"Look. Just because your my Anxious side doesn't mean you have to act like this."

"Alright, you look we wouldn't have to be in this situation if Sage-"

Violet stopped mid sentence and realized she was still in public.

"You know what I'll save that argument for later. If we make it out alive that is."

"Oh shut up and let's go."

Once the turned to the corner Violet sank down and waited for command. The group of friends followed to the wal before the turn just to hear what they were saying.

"Oh, look who showed up. Little miss nobody. I thought you wouldn't come." Skylar said with a smirk.

"Look Skylar. I don't wanna fight you. I already have enough battle scars. All I want to know is...why do you so this to people?"

"Oh, you want to know why I do this?"

"That's all I've ever wanted to know nothing more."

"I do it because of people like you."


"I do this so I can put you in your place. Now that's what I'm going to do!" She said.

Skylar threw a punch and then missed because Luna dodged it. When she tried to do it again with more force. Then it happened. Violet caught it in her hand and pushed her onto the ground with force.

"What the hell! I was about to-"

"What? Hit her? Sorry I can't let you do that. You're lucky that I'm being nice to a person like you."

"Who are you?!?"

"It's really on how you see me. I can be good or bad for a person."

"She gets it." Luna said getting a bit annoyed.

Skylar got up only to get restrained by Raven and Hazel as they mumbled their 'sorry's'.

"Where did you come from?!? Let me go!"

They didn't say anything to her scaring her more.

"Look. I really don't want to hurt you and neither do my 'friends' but they said it themselves and I'm sure they'll say it again."

Violet walked up to her and raised her chin with her finger to meet her frightened eyes.

"That we'll do anything in our power to make sure Luna won't be harmed. So please don't give her and her friends trouble."

Her group was confused and scared at this point. Was Luna a bad person all this time? No it must be something else. Right?

"Why should I listen to you? You're just bluffing. You wouldn't actually hurt me because your just a big wuss."

She went on and on about it. Until Jenni showed up to settle it.

"Well some big talk for someone who has some tramatic experiences herself. Do you think?"

"What! You have nothing on me!"

"Maybe not now but-"

"Stop! Stop it you guys! This isn't right! This isn't right at all!" Harper yelled causing everyone to jump slightly.

"Harper I-" Violet said.

"No! She shouldn't be doing this. You all shouldn't be doing this? Can't you see that? Now let go of each other and apalogize!"

They let go of Skylar and she tried to make a run for it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harper said grabbing her by the shirt collar.

"Getting away from you all!"

"Apalogize. Now."

She groaned before going up to Luna and took her hand out.

"Look. I'm sorry I gave you and your friends a hard time. Next time I'll think before I do."

"I'm sorry for wasting your time alright. Are we cool?"

"Yeah. Just don't tell anyone got it?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later then." Luna said waving her off.

When she didn't see her anymore. She looked as Harper's sad eyes.

"Harper...I'm sorry that you'd have to step into that I really shouldn't be acting like that."

"I gotta say kiddo. I was kinda freaked out when you did that to her. So I had no choice but to step in. You weren't the person that known for a long time back there but I know that you'd had good intentions. Just remember that there is going to be bad people in this world and you just have to deal with them you know. Sure she might not get far with her spiteful aditude but neither will you of this keeps up. We're lucky that you didn't actually fight her."

I looked at the ground and then back at her before giving her a tight hug.

"I'm sorry...I should've listened to you."

"It's alright kiddo. Just learn to deal with it better alright?"

"A-alright...I'm going to call-"

"No, I'll call him. Thomas will worry if he hears your voice. Let's go."

I walked out of there with a sigh before leaning onto the wall next to Harper.

"What would you think Nick would do if he was still with us?"

"Do we really have to speak of that awful man?" She said as the phone rung.

"No, but without him Jenni wouldn't exist."

"No she still would in her own way. Did you look at the thing to much again?"

"What this?" She said rolling down the sleeve to reveal the star. "If so then yes."

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Never better!"

"We both know you're lying."

"Heh...yeah I know."

Once Harper was on the phone Luna gotten an awkward hug from Evie causing her to flinch.

"Hey Luna."

"Hey- Oh guys followed me didn't you."

"Yeah, I gotta say your back up is pretty strong."

"Yeah I'll have to explain who they are to you another day but for now I'm just glad that no one got hurt."

"Yeah it's probably for the best and I'm sorry you guys had to see that. That wasn't me at all."

"Well as long no one gotten hurt then there's nothing to worry about." Addi said.

The friend group proceeds to give Luna a hug and then leave for home.

"So they aren't mad?" Hazel said.

"Not really I think we just spooked them a bit that's all." Luna said.

"Alright! Thomas is here!"

"Okay, just promise me not to tell him. It's best of we not tell him in the car."

"Alright fine I just want you to tell him because it's the right thing to do."

Luna walked off to meet her father in the car. This was only the start of her school troubles...

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