Chapter 16 His Friends

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Tw: arachnophobia or fear of spiders

I went downstairs as I could to see him getting his keys out. He turned around just in time to notice me.

"Hey, kiddo! Are you ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah let's go!" I said excitedly.

He opened the door and we walked to his car. I got into the passenger seat while he took the driver's seat. We put our seat belts on and he put the key in and started it. He backed the car out and he started to drive. A few minutes go by and suddenly Virgil shows up out of nowhere causing me to jump.

"Virgil? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Did you forget already I'm his anxiety and he just nervous?"

"And excited!" Patton said also appearing.

"That too."

"Is this really a good time for you guys to show up?" Dad said nervously as more cars stopped by the stoplight.

"Nah seems like the perfect time actually," Virgil said while Patton went back to wherever he was.

Dad sighed and just went with it. I and Virgil talked about whatever we could. I couldn't help but my eyes wandered out to the window. I saw someone familiar parked on the side of the road explaining himself to an annoyed officer. It was Nick Brands himself. My eyes grew wide and my breathing began to heavy as Jenni and Violet came up. At this point, my heart was racing as I felt it pound in my chest. Violet was trying to restrain Jenni from an unmerciful mauling that she was trying to do to him.

"Jenni No!" Violet shouted.

"Jenni yes! Let me at him! Virge move!" She says confusing Dad and Virgil.

"Luna? What's going on with them?!?"

"Dad I'll explain later but can you speed up a bit before Jenni tries anything?"

"But the law-"

"Thomas just goes speed up a bit it's green! I can't hold her for long!" Violet said.

Virgil being even more confused was now trying to hold Jenni back as well. Once we're far away from the tragic site my two sides left and Virgil stayed to do his job as being anxiety and all.

"What was that about Luna?" Dad asked.

"Let's just say a man I know has apparently gotten out of prison."

"Was he the guy you hate speaking about?"

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well since we still have some time on our hands I need to talk to you about school."

"What about it?"

" you mind that if you don't go to the same one? If not you can always go to your old one instead."

'A new start? New people? This is perfect simply perfect.' I thought as my bully's words start to fade away.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind the new school. I can have a new start with this one."

"Really? That's great we'll get your stuff for it soon will that be alright with you?"

"Yeah of course."

After that, we just relaxed as the music was still playing in the background. Soon he parked in the one closest to the entrance.

"Were here!"


We got out of the car as Virgil goes back to Dad's mind. We made it in and started to venture into the mall to find his friends. My eyes just wandered off until I was dragged over to the food court by dad's hand.

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