Chapter 6 Chess Games and A Dramatic Mornings

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_Thomas's POV_

Everyone was asleep but me and Logan he left to work on something. I saw Luna sleeping on the other side of the couch so I carried her bridal style to her room. I started to wonder how that 'lying escapade' that happened before we left ever even happened. 'She couldn't have them too...right?'

"Well, you never know maybe, she's up to something that you're unaware of." I heard a well-known voice said.

I turned to see no other than Virgil.

"Virgil...? I thought you were with Roman?"

"Well I heard your thoughts and there might be a possibility and besides I have some questions."


"Well, how did she guess all of our jobs correctly did you tell her?"

I placed her on her bed and looked back at him.

"Well, I didn't tell her about your jobs. I just told her your names, and that you're my sides, I guess she's smart."

I heard her mumble something before turning to the other side, so I gestured Virgil to the door so we could leave. I closed the door carefully before looking at Virgil again.

"Did she tell you anything personal to her or is she still timid towards you?"

"Well, she kinda broke out of her zone to talk to all of you didn't she?"

"Good point."

"You should be going to bed before Lo comes."

"Oh yeah see ya." He said, sinking down while saluting.

I walked back to my room and went to bed.

_Luna's POV_

I opened my eyes to find myself in my bed; someone must've moved me here after the movie was over. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my head lightly and looked at the time.

"3:30? Sage wouldn't be happy if I tell her that I'm up so late..." I mumbled.

"Oh, trust me, I'm fully aware of that."

I jumped at her monotone voice, and I turned to see her.

"H-hey, Sage d-didn't see ya there," I said nervously.

"Well, of course, I just arrived here after all now why are you up so late?"

"Do you think I know?"

"You're lucky the others are busy with whatever they're doing."

"I guess...wanna play chess?"

"That would be nice, I guess."

I got up from my spot and went over to the closet and found the chessboard. I looked over to see her sitting on my bed, fixing her glasses a bit. I came back and sat on the bed, fixing up the game for us.

"Why did you ask to play chess with your Logic?"

"Well, I just wanted to do something knowing that I'll struggle to go back to sleep."

"I see."

I called the black pieces while she called the white ones. She moved her pawn forwards as her first move, and so did I.

"So, how are you girls handling each other?" I said while taking out her knight.

"Pretty well as one may call it."

I hummed in response as she just won the first game.


This game went on for about an hour, making us tied up in our scores.

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