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"Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Poorly concealed whispers spilled over the map Neil had laid on the Study Hall table. Steven held a pencil to his jaw, trying to aid his friend's morbid tracking abilities. "Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall. It's right there, it should be on the banks," Knox trailed his finger along one of the lines. Cameron grimaced and shifted his head.

"I don't know. It's starting to sound dangerous," he pointed out.

Charlie's head shot up, giving the boy a clear view of his exasperated face. "Oh, well then why don't you just stay home?"

"I'd hardly call this a home," Iris muttered as she played with the hem of her skirt. The girl sent a sentimental look over to Todd, who had insisted he sat at another table in order to actually get his work done. Pulling out a sheet of crumpled paper, she began scribbling down words.

"Hey, your crazy-" Cameron was cut off mid sentence by the monitor.

The tall man stood up and tugged the pipe out from between his teeth. "For God's sake, stop chattering and sit down!"

"Of course, your majesty," the girl muttered, loud enough for Steven to hear. He quickly bit the insides of his cheeks, trying his hardest not to burst into laughter in front of Mr. McAllister.

"What's so funny, you two?" Gerald asked, eyebrow cocked upwards. The pair shared a sly look and shook their heads.

"Nothing of your concern, Pitts," Meeks answered.

Glancing back over to Todd's table, Iris quickly slid out of her seat. "I'll go ask Anderson if he's coming, ok boys?" After receiving a chorus of confirmations, the girl stalked across the room. Setting her book down lightly, Iris took the seat next to her friend. "Hey Todd, are you coming tonight?"

The boy's eyes faltered from his book to the girl's smiling face. "I don't think so," he whispered.

"Why not? I totally get it if it's because of the boys, but can I do anything to help?"

"Well, no but-" his voice droned off.

"But what?"

"Keating said that everybody took turns reading and I don't wanna do that." Todd explained, an embarrassed expression evident on his face.

Iris softened her voice, now aware of the problem. "Oh, Todd, it's ok. You don't have to read. You can listen to us read if you want!"

"Iris, thank you, but that's not how it works."

Scoffing, the girl leaned onto her palm. "Oh yeah? Says who? The Dead Poets? Those guys are probably working as accountants, who cares what they say."

From Steven's seat, he had a perfect view of Iris. His eyes were glued to her, a dreamy expression painted onto his features. The rest of the world was blurred as she smiled, as her eyes lit up. "Hey Meeks, are you ok?" Knox elbowed his shoulder, successfully knocking him off the chair and onto the floor. A loud "Shit!" echoed throughout the room as he tumbled downwards, which was followed by a gasp and laughter.

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