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"My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world."

Whispers ceased, the boys suddenly forgetting about words left unsaid. Steven and Gerald looked up from their radio, which was painfully under construction. Iris glanced at the ginger, the two sharing a look of 'why in the world is Knox so quiet?'  Charlie, grateful for a reason to ignore Cameron's deadly boring speech on the riveting study of distances. The boy really didn't care about his studies, seeing as he has a cemented spot at his father's banking corporation.

Smirking, Charlie questioned Knox. "How was dinner?"

The boy looked dazed to Iris' eye. Like he wasn't really there and his body was put on autopilot. Her theory was proved when the only thing Knox could utter out was a mere "Huh?"

"How was dinner?" Charlie repeated, a little louder. This earned a range of reactions from his friends, spanning from 'oh god, is Knoxious high?' to 'good lord, my friend is a moron.'

Sighing, Knox looked down at the floor, like he was a child who had lost their favorite kite in a tree. "Terrible. Awful." Steven and Iris searched his face, their motherly instincts kicking in as the somber boy stood pressed against the dark wood doors. Edward had been long forgotten by the girl, and was now rolling his eyes. 'Attention hog,' the blonde boy thought. Leaning forward, Ed tried one last time to get Iris' attention by laying his hand on her arm, but it was futile. Huffing, he leaned forward and accepted his abandonment. 

"Why, love? What happened?" The girl coaxed, trying her hardest not to embrace her friend. Knox trudged over to the table, draping his sweater over a chair before sitting. Iris rubbed his bicep, drawing comforting circles on the linen material.

Crossing his arms on the table, Knoxious explained his predicament. "Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. No offence to you, Iris, of course." Meeks widened his eyes with a soft snort. He must be blind or something. Iris was an angel on earth, and the boy had no idea how none of his friends were swooning at her feet like he was.

"None taken, Knoxious. You," she pointed a pencil at him, "sadly are not my type. Do tell more, though." Her friends laughed under their breath a bit before Neil shot a question her way.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your type? For scientific reasons, of course," the tall brunet probed. Iris's gaze landed on Steven for a second too long, giving the boy all the information he needed. Winking, he discreetly gave her a thumbs up, as if to say 'go for it.' Shaking her head, the attention was pulled back to the distraught young man next to her. Trying to steer the conversation to Knox, Richard flicked his arm. "Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?" Neil questioned, an astonished expression painted on his face. Cameron nodded along, a small smile on his lips. 

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