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(warning- there will be *makeouts* in this, and neil being a cockblock bitch)

"What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life."

Pulling away from the kiss, Steven's fluttering eyes glowed with admiration and passion for the girl in his arms. A sweet smile marked her swollen lips, strands of her almost golden hair decorating her features. Iris's eyelids flickered open, revealing her glowing blue pupils. The record skidded to a stop, leaving the two in complete silence.

"Are you sure?" Steven asked quietly, his voice hoarse. Running his thumb over her lips, the ginger glanced up with longing eyes. His look made her knees go weak, it felt as if they would give out at any given second. Relishing the feeling of his loving grip on her petite frame, the girl rolled her tongue over in her mouth.

Iris pulled him over to the bed, leading both of the teenagers to crash onto the mattress. "Kiss me. Please." That was all the conformation the red-head needed, quickly pressing another kiss onto the girl's mouth. Slinging her arms around his neck, Iris caved her body up into Steven.

The boy felt weak, he was finally kissing the girl he had dreamed of for weeks. Finally holding her close. Finally showing her how much she means to him. Steven held himself up with his forearms, which had landed on either side of the brunette's breathtaking face. Her hair was clouded around his hands, giving the appearance of a halo gracing the girl.

Iris pulled the boy's curls downwards, gently guiding his neck towards her. Running her fingers gracefully through his hair, she tangled her fingers in his locks and softly tugged. A small moan made it's way through Meeks's lips, causing Iris to flush and try to push away the lewd thoughts that had come to her mind. Of course, her attempts were fruitless when she felt his chest press against her own.

Steven pushed his lips harder into the kiss, wanting to be as close to the girl as he could. In a moment of sheer confidence, the boy slowly glossed his tongue over Iris's bottom lip. Biting down  softly, he smiled in content. Iris gasped lightly, before trying to stifle a whimper with another kiss. The added cushioning of Steven's lips did not help the sound, however.

- - -

Neil carelessly made his way down the hallway, arms full of notebooks and notes he had written down in his previous classes, plus and extra two copies for his friends. The boy bopped his head up and down, whistling the tune of 'Jail House Rock' by Elvis.

A low sound, almost quiet enough to miss, flooded through the hallway. Then another. Neil cocked his eyebrow in confusion, wondering what in the world could have made that sound. As he neared the Westworth girl's dorm door, the small whispers and giggles got louder.

Slowly, silently, he opened the door. The brunet was not at all shocked when he walked in on Iris and Steven making out, hands running up one another's sides and hair. Clearing his throat loudly, Neil tried to hold back a howl of laughter.

The sudden cough scared the two; Meeks's head shot up, rolling off the girl, eyes scanning the room frantically. Iris froze, touching her fingers to her lips, as if she couldn't believe the kisses she shared with Steven were real. The ginger's gaze met Neil's, who sucked his teeth and lifted his brows.

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