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"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent"

Iris's eyelashes slowly fluttered open, letting herself embrace the sweet morning sunlight. She smiled as the rays of golden light bathed her pillow-pressed face, yesterdays makeup still sitting on her eyelids. Her heart practically melted when she felt an arm pull her waist closer, a sleepy Steven laid next to her still body. Accepting his embrace, Iris pushed herself into his chest, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

The girl raised her hand, slowly raking her hands through his messy hair. It was softer than she had expected, his curls sifting through her nails like sand. A dopey grin rose on her face as she watched Steven's nose crinkle in his sleep, chewing her lip to suppress a giggle. It took everything in her not to kiss him right then and there, he just looked so angelic. So carefree. Sighing, Iris closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into his shoulder, leaving light kisses on his collarbone.

"G'mornin," Steven slurred, his voice husky and deep from sleep. "D'you sleep well?" A tired grin piqued at his lips as he looked down at the girl laying on his chest. Iris was so beautiful to him, every little detail about her seemed to be carved out of marble.

The ringing of the boy's voice echoed throughout his stomach, sending chills into Iris's body. Pressing herself further into his arms, she mumbled a response. "Goodmorning to you too, solitariam, I slept really well, thanks to you."

"Thanks to me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Raising her head so she could get a better view of the boy, she smiled lightly. "Well, according to last night, it seems I sleep better in your arms," Iris said slyly. Steven blushed profusely, grinning like a mad man as he cupped her cheek in his hand.

"I can second that," he breathed, flickering his eyes towards her lips. Iris slowly leaned in, her eyes sealed shut in anticipation for the kiss she had dreamed about for weeks. Just as their lips brushed, the door slammed open.

The two jumped away from each other, Iris pressing herself against a wall while Steven tumbled off the bed. "Goddamnit, Neil!" He screeched.

Stifling a howl of laughter, Charlie, Knox, Pitts, and Neil stood in the doorway.

"So that's where you were last night," Gerald teased as Meeks rubbed the back of his now sore head.

"Maybe we were wrong, Charlie," Knox added, smirking. "I guess Meeks would have the confidence to get laid!" Iris's eyes bulged out of head while she choked on a breath she had been holding.

"Knox Overstreet!" She cried. "Get the hell out of my room!" The four boys giggled, pushing each other around like the children they were.

Charlie stepped farther into her dorm. "Can I stay? I wanna watch the show!"

The girl gasped and threw a book at him. "Charles, you perverted little prick!" Steven, who was still sitting on the ground, adjusted his glasses and flipped his friends off.

"Get lost, bozos," he called. Neil's smile faded away as he got a good look at Iris's appearance.

"Iris, are you feeling well?" This was a valid question, seeing as her watery eyes had begun to form bloodshot veins and her nose was a shade of red that could rival Richard's hair.

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