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"I want to do with you what Spring does to the cherry trees."

Knox Overstreet knew that what he was doing was impulsive, but he didn't care one bit. Not a millisecond after the thought had raced through his head, the boy had taken off; departing from his friends. Eyeing the bike rack that stood crooked, albeit proudly outside of the school, Knox lunged at one of the bikes and took off.

Now, he didn't exactly know where to go, but that was a minor inconvenience in his fantasy. The fantasy where he would arrive at Ridgeway High School, spot Chris, and kiss her. Nothing would keep him from the girl he wanted most.

"I wonder if this is what Meeks feels like," the boy thought aloud. Swinging his leg over the leather seat and pushing on the ground, he took off. The crisp, autumnal leaves were freshly fallen. Each brown droplet of dried Summer crunched under the thin, old tires. Knox took in a deep breath, admiring the scenery he had taken for granted over the past six years.

He hummed softly to the tune of 'Hound dog' by Big Mama Thornton, a personal favorite. Gaining speed, he shot around on the bike. The sweet air blew into his face, turning his lips up into a proper smile. His white jacket that had been stylistically fastened around his neck by Iris flew behind him. Letting out a loud cheer, Knox drove his bike down the large, grassy hill that marked the outskirts of Hellton.

He was free as soon as his tire hit the stone bridge over a rippling creek, not caring once about the flock of geese he had disturbed. The ride continued down a winding road and through an apple orchard; in which he had snagged a perfectly ripe honey crisp right off the branch. 'I can save this for Chris,' he thought, grinning wildly as he delicately laid the treat in his bike basket.

The old bike rattled and jived along on the deserted road, anyone and everyone in the area had retired home for the day. A dog barked sternly while the boy drove by, yet he responded kindly. Knox quickly hopped off of the bike and made a beeline for the chicken-wire fence that separated the two. "Hey there, pup. How are you? You're such a good dog, aren't you?" He cooed.

Knox slowly slipped a hand through the fence and scratched the canine's ear, earning a low thump-thump from its tail. Checking the dog's tag, he smiled. "Such a good girl, aren't you, Molly?" Molly looked up, her once aggressive snarl snaked up into what seemed like a smile. Slipping an extra piece of jerky out of his pocket, the boy fed the dog.

He grinned childishly, pressing a quick kiss to the dog's head, and waved goodbye. "I'm off to see the wonderful Chris Noel, my wonderful belle!" Knox exclaimed, throwing his hands to his heart. "I'll see you on the way back, Molly! Enjoy my jerky!" And with that, he made his exit.

- - -

Ridgeway High School was known for their football pep rallies. Friday night was no different, cars feverishly sped into the parking lot; each passenger hoping to wish the team good luck. The band cars made their way into the loading strip of the school, causing students to laugh and stare.

The two automobiles were clown cars, both packed to the brim with brass players who spouted out the school's fight song. None of them were very good, leaving the students to wonder if they should really be represented by such characters.

That thought passed through Knox Overstreet's head too; he had just made it into the parking area when the out of tune pitching began. The crowds cheered none the less, creating an amusing atmosphere for the private school boy. He was leaning up against a car that looked far too fancy for any teenager who was out of line in money to have.

He scanned the crowd, silently begging the gods above for luck in his search. Setting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Knox kicked off, once again on his bike. Students and parents alike were dancing to the music while a boy, football player number 31, danced of the roof of the school's transport. The boy scoffed at the rest of the team, who excitedly cheered the bull-horn wearing player on.

"What an idiot," he mumbled. His eyes peeled across the scene, stopping at the sight of cheerleaders. "Chris is a cheerleader, she must be there!" And in fact, the girl was in the front, her red and white pom-poms swishing through the air. Knox kept riding, hoping to get a better view of the beautiful girl. Ducking in and out of sight, Knox came to a halt.

Chris Noel's bright blonde hair was pulled back by a cherry colored ribbon she had converted to a headband. The color matched perfectly with her v-line sweater and pleated skirt, both of which swayed gently in the wind. Her necklace drew attention into the turtleneck that covered her chest. It was the perfect accent to set her apart.

Stomping to the upbeat drum music, the blonde failed to notice Knox as he stared dreamily at her. The routine took her entire focus, something that Knox admired about her. Chris had absolute, limitless dedication. 'I bet her and Iris would get along just fine,' the brunet grinned. Studying her angelic features until he grew bleary-eyed, Knox's heart sped up.

That was, of course, until the football players weaved in and out of the cheerleader's rows. And there, Chet Danburry, the famous number ten, waltzed right up to Chris and led her away. The boy felt himself crack and crumble and melt all in one second. He imagined if he was in Chet's position, what he would say, how he would embrace her, how he would admire every aspect of her mind and body every hour of every day. It was no use though, not when he saw the way her eyes it up. Not when he saw the boy tuck his hand around her waist. Not when she kissed his cheek.

The coach, or so he assumed, grabbed a megaphone and began to quiet the crowd. "Okay, everybody on the bus! Hurry! Let's go, boys." Chet pulled her to him, allowing Chris to hop up into his arms. Sighing, Knox watched the two walk away onto the bus like a married couple. Sparing one final glance towards the school, Knox turned away.

- - -

He sat at the chicken-wire fence, spinning the apple around with his fingers. It's once appetizing glow had smeared into something that appeared inedible. The shiny skin looked like an artificial wax. "Shit, what am I going to do?" He muttered helplessly. Molly cocked her head, tail wagging rapidly. "What do you think I should do, Molly? Kiss her? Confess my love? Leave her be? No matter what, Chet will beat the living hell out of me."

Burying his face in his hands, Knox groaned. Molly whined in response. A small smile crept on the boy's lips while he reached out to scratch the dog's ear. "But you know what? You know what, Molly?" He repeated, his tone soft. "She's sure as hell worth it."


knox and dogs? yes please.

chris why do you have to do our mans like that- i love you but girl😩

this chapter is really short i'm so sorry🧍🏻 i'm literally starting the next one rn,, i'll have it out by the end of the night!

i love y'all so much- this story in #1 in neilperry and #2 in stevenmeeks and i literally have no words,, i love you all,, thank you so much for supporting me<3

have an amazing day/night, remember to drink some water and eat some food!

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