Sleepover 2.0 (NSFW)

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Dear Greyson's phone,

That party was something. I don't know what to call that hot mess, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I think Drew is a little shaken up over the guys targeting him. If only he knew that they will find something to hate about everyone they meet, and it doesn't necessarily mean they will dislike you. I think Jacob might have some explaining to do. That's all I will say about that incident. Either way, I'm a little worried about Drew right now. We just pulled up to the house and his thigh is shaking really bad like he's going to have an anxiety attack.

"Hey baby, we're here." Drew began knocking on the door and staring out the window.

"Drew are you okay buddy?" Greyson's dad walked around to his door and opened it up. Drew could no longer hold back his tears. He pulled his knees up to his chest.

Greyson scooted over to Drew and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Hey I'm sorry about the guys, they're always like that."

"They hated me. I'm pretty sure they implied that I'm a retard, and that might have been the only reason they didn't call me a... gay slur. You heard them, pausing as if implying it was better than stating it outright." Greyson wrapped his arm around Drew.

"Hey look on the bright side. You made Jacob tent his jeans. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he was so cold." Greyson's father smirked and shook his head.

"That boy is the biggest ass hole I've ever met."

Greyson laughed. "He basically implied that a less masculine guy shouldn't be able to handle a tattoo. And Drew said 'no pain no gain' and he instantly popped a boner."

Greyson's dad snorted and grabbed his mouth. "Oh no you did not! You have a lot of tattoos considering you're still a kid."

Drew grinned. "Yeah, I enjoy it. My sister is a bad influence."

"Greyson's always wanted tattoos, but me and his mother said, absolutely not. Though it'll be up to him once he moves out of the house."

Greyson nodded. "And you already know that I'm doing it the minute I move right?" His father chuckled and walked away. "Okay boys, in the house."

They all went into the house and the boys immediately ran to Greyson's room. "Now we can actually start the party! Let's play a game!"

Greyson and Drew faced each other on the bed sitting crisscrossed. "Okay, what're you thinking?"

"Boys, I have energy drinks! Do I get cool dad points?" Drew got up and flung the door open bouncing. "Caffeine?!"

Greyson's dad walked in and looked over at Drew bouncing on his toes. "Something tells me this was a bad idea... but I'm just going to leave this here with some shot glasses not at all convenient for drinking games." He winked and headed out the door.

"Well that solves our problem. We can just play drinking games. Minus the alcohol of course. My dad isn't quite that cool."

Greyson blinked and stared at Drew. "Do you know how to play any because I don't."

"No, I don't drink very often but my sister does." Drew took out his phone and called his sister.

"Yo, flower boy, what's cookin'?"

"Nothing I haven't eaten. I'm at my boyfriend's house." Greyson snorted.

"Do you know how to play drinking games?" Greyson face palmed and quickly leaned over the phone. "With energy drinks. We don't have alcohol I promise."

"Oh! Thank god. Drew! I was ready to execute you for drinking unsupervised. I'll send you some links alright? I'm assuming this will be a sleepover?"

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