Facing Home

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Dear Greyson's diary,

Well, last night was good, until I had to go to bed. Fun fact, Drew still calls it bedtime. He's such a dork. But then, Dr. Johansen came into my room to tell me I will be leaving this afternoon. He said they see no reason to keep me here and my father wants me at home. I know I should be happy, but I don't want to face him. And I don't want to lose Drew. What if we never communicate again? I know I have his info, but that would really suck. Now I have to go home and live. This was never my intention.

"Good morning Greyson." Drew appeared to be upset. 

"Good morning. I see you are also upset? What happened?" The boys grabbed their breakfast trays and sat at the table. 

"Well nothing really, it is actually good I don't know why I'm sad. They told me I can go home today, but I will miss you." Greyson smiled, relieved.

"Well guess what? I am going home too. Then I can actually message you and all that." This made Drew happy.

Drew was just as afraid of losing Greyson as Greyson was of losing Drew. The fact that neither of them were very popular almost made their friendship even more important, even if they barely knew each other. 

Part of Drew was afraid that Greyson was just being friendly and he wouldn't actually message him. Kind of like when you meet people at camp, exchange numbers and then don't talk to each other all year until next summer, except this time there wouldn't be a next summer. Hopefully.  

The boys finished their breakfast and made their way into the morning group. This group session mostly consisted of focusing on their strengths. The kind of sickening sweet activity no depressed person actually wanted to do. They were given a diagram of a head and told to fill it with good things about themselves. 

"Hey Drew, I think you forgot to write smart on there." Drew looked up at Greyson. "Ha, okay. Well, I think you forgot to write charasma king." Drew stuck his tongue out. 

"Oh boo you child. You can't just compliment me and flash your tongue like you said something mean." Drew giggled. "But I did didn't I?"

Dr. Johansen walked into the group room. "Okay Greyson, your father is here early today, so we need you to fill out your release forms and we'll show you to the lobby." He hands Greyson his papers and a dull golf pencil. 

"Oh, looks like my father is on time for once in his life. Well, so long Drew. I'll send you a snap or a text tomorrow morning." Greyson looked upset.

Drew looked down at the floor and back up to make eye contact with Greyson. "Can you hug me? I mean, you don't have to, but,” Greyson gives Drew a good squeeze before he can finish talking. 

"You aren't going to forget to text me right?" Drew maintains eye contact. "No, that would be entirely stupid of me. You can expect a text, or a snapchat. Probably a snap." 

"Ok Greyson, let's go. Your dad is waiting." Dr. Johansen led Greyson out of the doorway and into the hall. "How was your stay?"

Greyson's face dropped. "Could have been a lot worse I suppose. The food tasted like cardboard though."

The doctor smiled. "I see you made a friend though right? Your dad was happy to hear that you had positive interactions with a boy your age."

Greyson raised an eyebrow at the doctor. "We're talking about the same guy right? Tall, beefy, bald, smells like the automotive section at a home depot?"

"Yeah. That's a pretty good description." Dr. Johansen laughs. "Ok kid, here we are."

"Oh god, Greyson! Come here!" 

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