Happy birthday Jichu

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(credits to the owners of the photos)

January 2, 2021- 11:30pm

The Blinks in all social media platforms are excited for Jisoo's birthday. Some of them already posted their own way to greet Jisoo in her special day. There are fan made videos, collage of her pictures, some are personalized gifts and more just for her.

Meanwhile, the Pinks are peacefully sleeping in their cozy bed, getting some sleep because of late new year's party for them.

January 2, 2021 - 11:59pm

#WorldStarJISOODay is number 1 trending worldwide. All are greeting our Jisoo a happy happy birthday. It's definitely Jisoo's day. Other blinks are also waiting for the other members to greet her, especially the JenSoo nation. (Screammmm. Kekeke hi my fellow jensoo 😂) they're waiting for Jendeukie's post or greeting for her naked buddy.

January 3,2021- 12:0something pm (I don't know the exact time, so sorry)

YG and Blackpink post in their official social media account a greeting for Jisoo. Which eventually gathered huge likes and comments from the fans.

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

Jisoo flinched of the sudden sounds from her phone. She cupped her side table to reach her phone.

"Urgh! What time is it?"

She checks her phone and noticed the notifications.

"Oh, it's already my birthday?" She then posted in her Instagram account with a caption; ' Happy birthday to me!'

And then go back to sleep, but before she closed her eyes her bedroom door suddenly bang. Which made her startled.


"Jendeuk, you're here."

Jennie immediately got on the raven's bedsheet and snuggles to her.

"Happy birthday My Jichu." The human dumpling whispered and hug Jisoo tightly. The latter respond to the warm hug with a smile.

"Thank you Jendeukie. You should go back to sleep."

"I should. I still have to prepare for your birthday later on."

"You're really the event girl.”

"Friend. Event girlfriend." Jennie corrected her with eyes closed.

"Oh~ where girlfriends now. I thought we're divorced?"

Jennie suddenly look up to Jisoo after hearing the 'divorced' word and frown.

"Who said that?"

"Uhm..uh.. rumors?" The raven answered nervously.

"Aish! Stop gossiping around." Jennie said and snuggles back to Jisoo. "

Silence. They just feeling each other's warm.


"What the?! Yah! Lalisa I almost had a heart attack! Can you knock?"

"Why so grumpy? Is that an effect of getting old? OMG I don't want to grow old." Lisa said acting like she's afraid.

"Aish, why are you here?"

The maknae grin at Jisoo.

Oh, no. Jisoo thought.

Lisa instantly jumped on top of her, hugging the birthday girl tightly.

"Yah! Lalisa!" Jennie screamed pushing her.

"Jennie unnie? You're already here! Aish! I thought I will be the first one to greet Jisoo unnie a happy birthday!"

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