Caring Jichu

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"Ouch! Yah! It hurts you know!" Jennie almost crying because Jisoo aiding her sprained ankle.

"Jendukie, you have to be careful next time okay? You know that you easily got injured." Worried Jisoo said, she is sitting at the other end of the couch and Jennie is on the other side.

Jisoo carefully massage the injured ankle in her lap, Jennie just watching the older with a pout on her face. Jisoo look up to her, checking if Jennie feel some pain.

"Don't show that face to me now."

"Oppa... I mean Unnie,..."


"Thank you." Jennie said with a puppy eyes to avoid being scolded by Jisoo. She knows that her unnie is burning with anger now, Jisoo don't like the three of them get injured. As the eldest of the group she should take care of her members, that's why the three maknae are afraid when they are scolded by Tiger Jisoo. (Jisoo: hey author I am Turtle Rabbit not a Tiger! Change that! Change!)

Scolded by Turtle Rabbit Jisoo. (Author: choosy chu!)(Jisoo: that's better 😂)

"Jen, you have to take care of yourself. You got me worried." Jennie show her aegyo to Jisoo, the older rolled her eyes, the younger just use her weakness. She's always soft to Jennie.

"Promise Jisoo-yah, I will. So that you don't have to be worried. Saranghae." Younger said with a tight huge and the older hugged back. She's thankful that Jisoo is always there for her even they we're trainees back then. They always stay on each other.

The moment was ruin, when they heard a loud scream.


They saw Lisa running towards them crying holding her left knuckles. The two unnies was shock when they saw blood streaming in Lisa's hand.

"Omo! Lalisa, what happened?" Jisoo immediately stands up forgetting the sprained ankle of Jennie.

"Aahhwww! Unnieee~" Jennie shouted n pain.

"Oh my gosh, Jendukie sorry." She carefully aid the sprained ankle in the couch comportably preventing not to be hurt again. And the she face the crying maknae.

"Omo omo, let me see. Lalisa let me see." Jisoo said checking the wounded hand. "What did you do just now? Don't tell me your trying to cook again?"

"I... I.. Unnie~" Lisa just cry, her unnie was right. She's in the kitchen trying to cook. "I... I w-was.." she was cut off by Jisoo.

"Your cooking because Chaeyoung was hungry and you want to cook for her?"

Lisa nodded.

"Urgh, come on the first aid kit is in the kitchen. Jennie stay there don't try to move." Jisoo drag the crying Lisa to aid her wound.


"Oh! This is serious, maybe we cut this finger!"

"Unnieee~ huhuhuhu!"

"Just kidding." Jisoo starts to aid Lisa, "Lalisa I already told you don't try to cook 'cause you don't know how to cook! Look what happened, you cut your own finger. Lucky you didn't burn the kitchen again, you know how expensive to install new stove and counter?" Jisoo continue to nagged while the maknae was quiet. Lisa is like a 5 years old kid listening what her mom told her about using the kitchen.

"What did you cook Lalisa?" Jisoo asked.

"Not cook, I was making salad. I was slicing the last ingredient to my salad, suddenly the knife slice my precious finger." Lisa explained to her unnie while crying. "Sorry unnie, I know that you hate whrn we're hurt."

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